SpeedyWriters Posts

Question Does the concept of homeland security present problems with our constitutional protections of civil rights? If so, how? Should our society live in fear of terrorists? Sample paper The…



Apple’s Supplier Responsibility Speaker notes A summary of Apple’s Supplier Responsibility Apple’s suppliers have responsibilities that they have to fully accomplish for them to work with the company as well…



Question Investigative journalist, Steve Emerson originally documented the existence of jihad in America. Then, Brian Jenkins found 46 publically recorded attacks or attempted attacks from radicalized individuals between 9/11/2001 and…


ABORTION SHOULD BE ILLEGAL The debate of whether to legalize or abolish Abortion has been there and will continue to be there in the foreseeable future.  It goes without saying…


Question Research and discuss an investigation that went wrong, whether it was a poor investigation and/or prosecution resulting from an investigation. Examples are the Duke Lacrosse case and the Richard…


Question Do you believe that Hezbollah is a terrorist organization or merely acting in self-defense? Why? Sample paper Hezbolla is Not a Terrorist Group Hezbolla is a political party and…


Question Do you believe the violence between Israel and Palestine will ever end? Why or why not? Cite at least 1 Old Testament verse and at least 1 New Testament…


Causes of Terrorist Attacks In recent years, no one seems to be safe in the world. Terrorism is an ugly development which has compelled world leaders as well as many…
