In very recent years, due to the overpopulation of prisons and jails across the United States, alternative sanctions are beginning to be used in drug crimes.

In very recent years, due to the overpopulation of prisons and jails across the United States, alternative sanctions are beginning to be used in drug crimes.  These alternative sanctions could also be called pretrial diversion techniques. Of these pretrial diversion techniques, many states are turning their attention to compulsory treatment programs.  This may be because of federal funding of these programs or because of the overcrowding of their correctional facilities.  Discuss what is happening with compulsory drug treatment programs in your state. (ALABAMA) You may discuss (if it is known) why your state moved to these types of sanctions.  Understanding if these are pretrial diversionary tactics or a guilty verdict following a sentencing with the mandatory sanction is a good way to discuss your state’s use of the tactic.  Using scholarly journal data (at least two journal citations) decide your stance on these programs while discussing if the mandatory sanctions work or don’t work. You can find scholarly research data indicative of both stances.

Make sure you remember not to put I, me, you, or any derivative of these in your paper.  This assignment should be about 300.  Make sure you use correct APA citations internally as well as in reference.  Many of you are also having problems remembering to double space, and use times new roman size 12 font.  These are mandatory for any written paper.  Make sure you remember!!!

Place the word document corresponding to Assignment three in this turnitin portal entry. First report is final, so make sure you remove all wording from others than yourself before entering it in the portal. Also, make sure you only quote witht the “” marks only 15% maximum. There is a 0% maximum for plagarism.

I CAN ONLY HAVE 15% ON DIRECT QUOTATIONS. You may only quote if you cannot paraphrase the ideas in your own words. In any academic written material to me, you may not use the words I, You, Me, We, Us, or any derivative of. My biggest pet peeve is a singular noun and a plural pronoun. Second biggest pet peeve is not citing material, which is in an opinion piece, but must be based on fact. YOU MUST APA cite your sources. If it is your opinion, find someone else in the literary and scholarly world that has the same opinion to cite. YOU MUST HAVE A REFERENCE PAGE which is not counted as the body of work word count.