Staff Development Group Project

Staff Development Group Project Instructions

This is a group project in which members of the group will research the various components of new staff training and a two-year cycle for staff development. Group work will be done via the Group Discussion Board forum assigned to your group. Assign a group leader to submit documents for the Group Covenant and Work Plan and the Final Submission on behalf of the group.

Group Covenant and Work Plan

Using the Group Discussion Board Forum assigned to your group, work with your group to complete the Group Covenant and Work Plan.

Final Submission

Implement your work plan by outlining new staff training and a two-year cycle for staff development. Be sure to include the following elements:

    • A staff-needs survey
    • Specific, time-bound, measurable, professional staff development goals that relate to district or state standards
    • A timetable for training using an actual school calendar
    • A description of the setting in which training(s) will take place
    • Identification of training methods used throughout the two-year cycle
    • At least 1 orientation agenda
    • At least 1 workshop agenda
    • Information on at least 1 community partnership/education program that will be part of the two-year staff development cycle. Provide actual information (such as a flyer or website) including the contact information of the agency or program. Be sure the partnership relates to a district or state standard, and include the standard itself (e.g., Science > Resources > “The child will practice reusing, recycling and conserving energy on a daily basis” VDOE 2007).
    • A description of the role staff meetings will play in the plan and 1 staff meeting agenda
    • A mentor plan including who is a qualified mentor, how often the mentor and mentee will meet, and how the mentor and mentee will be held accountable
    • A description of the way you will encourage your staff to participate in college and university classes. Will you provide a monthly brochure of local classes? Will you offer to pay?
    • A plan for evaluating staff portfolios
    • An explanation of how to implement field trips as a way to expand staff learning and generate new interest in teaching
    • A sampling of guest speakers and when to schedule each one
    • Professional meetings/conferences your staff will be required to attend and when these will take place
    • A list of the readings and films your staff will be required to study as well as how you will assess their learning

The final plan must be at least 6–8 pages with at least 2 references in current APA format.

Your group leader must submit the Group Covenant and Work Plan by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 2. Your group leader must submit the Final Submission by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 4.