How did revolutionary leaders convince common folk to fight against the British paper


Organization is imperative:  Introduction, Body, and Conclusion.  All paragraphs must be connected with a transitional line to ensure continuity throughout your essay.Length: Please keep to the three (3) paragraph format. Provide a critical analysis on how the revolutionary leaders convinced the lower class Americans (peasants, farmers, laborers, etc.) to join the armed struggle against England. In other words, poor people had absolutely nothing to fight for; they did not own property, could not vote, and the revolutionary leaders were not promising them a new social order, hence, why rebel if  “Tyranny is Tyranny?” In short, the revolutionary leaders consciously “manufactured consent” among the lower class to join the revolution. Please analyze this process. 

Again, do not discuss any tax issue or representation issue or any other issue that suggests that the colonist were “oppressed” and then they decided to rebel.  This is NOT a discussion on how the colonist were “oppressed” or their steps towards independence. The discussion must revolve around how the elite convinced the poor to join the revolution.                 


Common Folk Fight against the British

To many scholars and historians, American Revolution War changed the shape of American history forever. The war was fought between the year 1775-1783, and the conflict was mainly between the Great Britain and its colonies in America. The war started in North America, and it was between the colonialist and the wealthiest Americans in the region (Downs, 56). However, the war was won when the poor and peasant joined the armed struggle.

Notably, the rich and the wealthy Americans managed to convince and rally the majority of the Americans who were mainly poor to join the war to direct their anger to the British whom they blamed for their economic status. Most of the middle-class colonial farmers were convinced that they were fighting for their liberty and political democracy in the colonial cities. History states that the rich and wealthy mobilized the poor by a convincing theme that they too were forced to get their living by the labor of their hands, and the sweat of their brow just like any other citizen especially the lower class people (Alonso, 39). However, on the other hand, there were those artisans who joined the war to get money to feed their families and others were convinced to join in return they would get food rather than staying hungry on the streets considering that most of them were unemployed.

In conclusion, we can say that the majority of the fighters who joined the war believed that they were fighting for their liberty while others merely wanted something to put in their mouths. Either way, the poor helped the rich to drive the British out of the American soil. It is worth noting that, the rich during this war fought for imperialism and monocles.

Works Cited

Alonso, Ernesto P. “ARMY COMMAND AND GENERAL STAFF COLLEGE FORT                            LEAVENWORTH KS,.” Analysis and Lessons from General Galvez’s West Florida                     Campaign during the American Revolutionary War. (2015.).

Downs, Carolyn Mary. “”Networks, trust and risk mitigation during the American revolutionary               war: a case study.” .” Economic History Review (2016).