Fashion film review


Plz write three fashion film review intro, why should audiences care about them. Films such as ‘the September Issue’, ‘Diana Vreeland’, ‘Bill Cunningham New York’ or fashion films on


Fashion film review

In recent times, fashion has become one of the most competitive industry in the global platform with fashion designers working extra hard to outperform their competitors. As the competition in the industry increases, there is an increase in the creativity utilized by designers as well as the quality of the products, brought into the market. For a designer to remain in the market, he or she has to conduct extra research to bring something unique that will please his or her target market.  Moreover, designers have invented new ways of popularizing their fashions ranging from fashion shows to films (Fletcher, 2013). This essay will attempt to provide a review of the fashion movies on the market today that has gained popularity.

In the film ‘Bill Cunningham New York’ the main actor who goes by the name of Bill Cunningham is passionate about his work.  Bill is an 82-year-old bicycle-bound fashion photographer who would do anything to get his shot. Even at his old age, Bill is still interested in fashion photography as he finds something creative, life- affirming and free in taking images of ordinary people going about their lives. This film is important as it shows even at old age, fashion still matters. On the other hand, the movie Diana Vreeland is meant to inspire young and upcoming fashion designers not to give up. Diana Vreeland, a self-taught fashion designer, defied all odds to become one of the leading authorities in fashion through eccentric skills and stylistic audacity to become a leading fashion columnist and editor (Bruzzi, 2013). Besides, the film the September issue revolves around the life of legendary Vogue editor chief Anna Wintour, who works around the clock with the help of her larger-than-life team of editors creating the issue and becoming the king and queen of the world of fashion. The movie is meant to show the positivity of working hard and teamwork in the fashion industry.

Related: Fashion show review at Seoul Fashion Week


Bruzzi, S. &. (2013). Fashion Cultures Revisited: Theories, Explorations and Analysis.                             Routledge.

Fletcher, K. (2013). Sustainable fashion and textiles: design journeys. . Routledge.


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