Fashion show review at Seoul Fashion Week


Please write an SPRING-SUMMER/2017 KYE fashion show review at Seoul Fashion Week. Describe some details of these garments.

Please critic this brand’s collection and give some advice to this emerging fashion designer about what is not good for their’s design, and how they can improve their work.

You should remember that your writing is intended to be persuasive. Your piece should articulate a well-formulated, coherent, and well-defined opinion on the collection.

Below are the links to this newest collection and brand’s site:

Fashion show review at Seoul Fashion Week

The level of competition in the fashion industry pushes the designers to the edge and to gain a better competitive position in the market, they have to show high levels of creativity while making their garments. SPRING-SUMMER/2017 KYE fashion show showed exactly what the designers are willing to do to please their customers as well as beat competition from other designers. KYE the leading designer in this fashion demonstrated how individual might use different clothes and emojis to explain their feelings to the world rather than use words. Given that each and individual we all want to be stars whether in real life or the internet, our clothing can take us to the levels and make us the stars we dream of (Biaett, 2015). Although most of the garments in the show were accompanied with pants that featured holes at the side of the hips particularly for the ladies, they can be worn in public especially during the spring and summer time.

It is worth noting that most of the garments displayed in this event had a collection of emojis which may not go down well with people of all ages. Moreover, the clothes left a large part of the body open especially for the ladies, and this may not be popular to all. Thus, to win the hearts of more customers he or she needs to design clothes that at least cover three-quarters of the body for the older generation as well as those individuals who have strict morals (Quinn, 2012).  The clothes may be popular among the youths who are ready to expose their body parts but may be very unpopular among elderly and married couples considering that they are protecting their reputation especially in front of their children.

Related:Fashion Review – Milan Fashion Week


Biaett, V. (2015). Fashion, Design and Events. . Tourism Management, (50), , 57-58.

Quinn, B. (2012). Fashion futures. . Merrell.


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