SpeedyWriters Posts


Question Adopting the role and perspective of Smith (in the book 1984 by george orwell) , write a Manifesto intended to persuade your compatriots to become insurgents in a revolution…


Question Research the origins, content and production details of both The Threepenny Opera and Rent plays. How did these plays affect social change? Consider the following when completing research: What…


You have been tasked with writing a definition essay by your professor and ultimately have no idea how to get started. Besides that, you don’t love writing essays, and time…

Essay Essay writing

Question After reading the lecture and required readings for this unit, use the knowledge you have learned to write a three pageessay on one of the topics below: ? Bacon’s…

American History

Question Present a process for how a group obtains power, and then compare and contrast that outline with your own person experience. First, provide a detailed outline or diagram that…


Question Equity and Diversity The EdChange project by Paul Gorski is a website that provides social justice and equity literacy in curriculum development. The site has a series of awareness…


Question Each individual observes the world through their own perceptions. Project Implicit is a non-profit organization and international collaboration between researchers who are interested in implicit social cognition – thoughts…


