What Is Geometry

Geometry comes from two ancient Greek words, geo, which means earth, and metron, which means measurement with arithmetic, one of the oldest mathematics branches. Geometry is more concerned about properties of space that relate to distance, shape, size and position of figures. A person working in the field of geometry is called a geometer.

Various shapes in geometry help us understand shapes in our daily lives. Using geometric concepts, we can calculate the area, volume, and perimeter of shapes. Geometry basics depend majorly on lines, angles, points and planes.

Main geometry branches

We can subdivide geometry into the following main categories:-

  • Algebraic geometry
  • Discrete geometry
  • Differential geometry
  • Euclidean geometry
  • Convex geometry
  • Topology geometry

Algebraic Geometry

This is a geometry branch that studies zeros of a multivariate polynomial. This includes both polynomial and linear algebraic equations that are useful when solving sets of zeros. Application of algebraic geometry includes string theory, cryptography etc.

Discrete Geometry

This branch of geometry is concerned with geometric objects like points, lines, triangles and circles.

Differential Geometry

Differential geometry combines calculus and algebra techniques to solve problems. These problems include general relativity in physics etc.

Euclidean Geometry

This study looks into solid and plane figures based on theorems and axioms, including points, lines, angles, planes, and solid figures.

It is widely used in computer science, solving maths problems and crystallography.

Convex Geometry

This geometry includes shapes in Euclidean space that use fundamental analysis techniques—widely used in optimization and functional analysis, especially in number theory.


Topology is another geometry branch concerned about space under continuous mapping—widely used in applications like compactness, completeness, continuity filters, clusters and bunches.

Topics in Geometry

Geometry primarily involves the following topics:-

  • Solids and shapes, i.e. polygons
  • Segments and lines
  • Triangles and angles
  • Trigonometry
  • Circles circumference
  • Grid coordinates
  • Radians
  • Platonic solids
  • Conic sections.

Uses Geometry in our Daily Life

1. Geometry is used daily to construct buildings, rivers, roads and temples. Temples that hold country heritage are built using geometry.

2. Computer graphics and audiovisual presentations such as education, entertainment all use geometry to bring out the creativity and art in the presentation.

3. Artist artwork like paintings uses geometry.

4. Astronomers use geometry to track stars movement on the planet. Scientists also can measure satellites paths when they are launched using geometry.

5. Application of geometry is also found in interior design. Setting up items in an open space can only be done ideally using coordinate concepts.


The use of geometry is evident everywhere in our daily lives. Any student studying geometry should take the topic seriously. Therefore if you are struggling to complete geometry homework, you can hire a math tutor to help you so that you can master all the critical geometry concepts.