Utilization of Statistical Data in Criminal Justice Policy Making


Develop a 2 slide Microsoft? PowerPoint? presentation that assesses the issues surrounding the utilization of statistical data in criminal justice policy making. Special attention should be given to programs designed with community policing or proactive policing in mind.


Utilization of Statistical Data in Criminal Justice Policy Making

  • Statistics on stipulation levels are mostly maintained and are overall for distinct areas and services. They include rates of admission in prisons, average population (daily, weekly, monthly and annually), reasons for release and release patterns.
  • The set indices for appraisal of safety, discipline and order in all justice agencies are often monitored for different units in all facilities. The prevalent data element in this category is the duration (in days) lost in a month for 100 inmates.
  • The main aspects evaluated to ensure the required standards are attained by the Jail operations and procedures are: decisions and operations’ timing/plan of conveyance to the inmates, application of the required programs in jails, ratio of prisoners who are yet to begin a program to the prisoners who already commenced a program and value and level of resources exploited in special prisoners’ management.
  • New programs may need new space and facilities which their cost need to be catered for. Current data is used to determine the capacities of the new facilities and later preparation of budget for the same. The budget should give provide an adequate amount of resources (mainly funds) for the progress of implementation of new programs.
  • Monitoring implementation of a policy requires data. The implementation process involves staff duties, scheduling, tasks order and time lines. These facets helps monitoring the implementation process as they impart a scheme for evaluation meetings.

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