Synthesis Paper,you will address your experience before RN BSN program

Synthesis Paper,you will address your experience before RN BSN program, you as a lifelong learner, you in the continuum of novice to expert in the professional nursing role, an account of your role transition to a professional nurse, and an evaluation of the program.
the synthesis paper will reflect your understanding and use of APA format and scholarly writing.
the following rubic will be used to grade the synthesis paper. the paper has 6 sections:
Before RN-BSN program
lifelong learning
novice to expert
synthesis of role transition to professional nursing
The paper must have title page, reference page, plus no more than 4 pages that address the 6 sections of the paper outlined in the grading rubic. so with the title page, 4 pages for the body of the paper, and the reference page, the synthesis paper must not be more than 6 total pages using 12-point times roman font.