Every paper should accomplish three goals. First, it should describe the historical and intellectual background of a theory, and then clearly describe its causal arguments. Second, it should describe the empirical research that has sought to test those causal arguments. Third, it should discuss the important issues to be addressed in future research.


Robert K. Merton gave the argument that there were certain relatively stable social conditions that were associated with the higher overall crime rates in American society, as well as with the higher rates of crime in lower social classes, he gave the term “social structural strain” (Vold, Bernard, Snipes, & Gerould, 2016, p.162). The strains theory gives the meaning for certain tensions or stressors that prompt one to commit a wrongdoing. Every human being will have or has already had a burden placed in their life that will cause stress or actions that may result to committing a crime. How one choose to react to their strain is based on the individual itself. In this paper I will discuss the negative roles of strain in individuals that makes one result to criminal actions.

Wrote instructions in reference
Every paper should accomplish three goals. First, it should describe the historical and intellectual background of a theory, and then clearly describe its causal arguments. Second, it should describe the empirical research that has sought to test those causal arguments. Third, it should discuss the important issues to be addressed in future research.

Statement of Problem – This is your approved abstract, which is now the opening paragraph of your paper. ?Discussion of Theory – Discuss the theory you have chosen. Include how it developed, those who contributed to its development, and its major points. Also, include a discussion of what the theory originally stated and how that has changed. ?Literature Review – Select a minimum of 3 current and relevant research articles that pertain to your topic. These articles must be from a peer reviewed journal (I have provided a brief list in the Helpful Resources section of Blackboard). You may not rely solely on your text for this assignment. The point is to do research. ?Conclusion – Your final paragraph should include a brief summary of what your research shows, important issues to be addressed in future research, and any final thoughts. ?Reference Section – Include all outside sources used in your paper in a reference section using APA formatting. See the Course Syllabus for more information on APA Style.

* Label each section of your paper based on the sections listed above. ?
* Be sure to cite all material obtained from an outside source both in text and in ?the reference section (See the section on plagiarism in the course syllabus). ?
* Avoid using first person pronouns in your paper (e.g., I, my, me, etc.) ?
* Your paper should be no less than 10 pages. ?
* Acceptable fonts include: Times New Roman, Arial, Helvetica, Calibri, and the like. ?
* Use 12 point font. ?
* Paper should be double spaced with one (1) inch margins on all sides. ?
* Include page numbers at the bottom of your paper in the center of the page. ?
* Include a Title page as shown in the Writing Assignment Template in the Helpful ?Resources section of Blackboard ?