Psychology of Prejudice Quiz


Psychology of Prejudice Quiz

  1. T/F Allport (1954) originally argued that positivity towards ingroups necessarily implies negativity and hostility towards outgroups.
  2. T/F Group living as a fundamental survival strategy of humans has resulted in obligatory interdependence.
  3. T/F Ingroups can be defined as bounded communities of mutual trust and obligation that delimit mutual interdependence and cooperation.
  4. T/F Concentric loyalties allow for the loyalty to the smaller subgroup to be compatible with loyalties to a more inclusive superordinate group.
  5. T/F “Moral superiority” provides justification or legitimization for domination or active subjugation of outgroups.
  6. T/F “Shared values” can contribute to intergroup conflict.

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Psychology of Prejudice Quiz


  1. T/F Allport (1954) originally argued that positivity towards ingroups necessarily implies negativity and hostility towards outgroups.



  1. T/F Group living as a fundamental survival strategy of humans has resulted in obligatory interdependence.



  1. T/F Ingroups can be defined as bounded communities of mutual trust and obligation that delimit mutual interdependence and cooperation.



  1. T/F Concentric loyalties allow for the loyalty to the smaller subgroup to be compatible with loyalties to a more inclusive superordinate group.



  1. T/F “Moral superiority” provides justification or legitimization for domination or active subjugation of outgroups.



  1. T/F “Shared values” can contribute to intergroup conflict.




Brewer, M. B. (1999). The Psychology of Prejudice: Ingroup Love and Outgroup Hate? Journal of Social Issues, 55(3), 429-444. doi:10.1111/0022-4537.00126