Resources and Script


Resources:? Prepare a script of an interview with a problem client write the script out as a Questionier.
Summarize a potential problem client write 750 to 1050 word summary of the potential clients and their problems.
Identify at least four resources for the human service worker to find tools or support to address the problems and the client.?Create an oral presentation representative of a client and human services worker conversation in which the risk of a dual relationship exists.?(I do not want to use a video, or oral presentation for this paper so please write out questions)?If you chose not to use a video then write the questions out a Questionier that Human service workers would use to conduct a needs assessment.Demonstrate how the client may test the boundaries and demonstrate how the human services worker may create appropriate boundaries in the dialogue.

Sample paper

Resources and Script

A big population in the criminal justice system consists of people who have different problems that hinder their progress.  Previously, there has been little concern about the well being of offenders in federal and state prisons.  The use of traditional methods of rehabilitation and incapacitation has been applied but they have been less effective in reducing recidivism and reforming the behavior of the offenders.  The society believed that prison is a place to punish offenders. This method was replaced by a better method known as the evidence based strategy. This is a behavior change approach that enables offenders to adopt positive thinking and be sensitive to the costs of correction. The incorporation of human service workers into the corrections programs has seen many offenders reform and return back to the society to become productive and independent citizens.

Potential clients

Mentally ill offenders

For a long time, jails and prisons have become dumping places for offenders with mental illnesses. Lack of proper facilities and overcrowding has made it even harder for such offenders to get treatment. Research shows that there are at least 1.26 million mentally ill prisoners. This numbers represents 64 percent, 56 percent and 45 percent in local jails, state and federal prisons respectively. Despite the fact that the mentally ill population is approximately 7 percent, 30 percent of those convicted of felony crimes are diagnosed with one or more types of mental illnesses. In addition, 50 percent of crimes of addiction are committed by individuals with mental health problems. Offenders with severe mental health issues impact the criminal justice system negatively. The overcrowding in jails and prisons can be largely attributed to the incarceration of a big number of individuals with mental illnesses. The criminal justice system is not properly equipped to cater for the demands of mentally ill offenders. The first responders who came into contact with the offenders are law enforcement officers. When making the arrests, they are mostly not sure where to place or how to deal with these offenders (Daniel, 2007).

Due to lack of diversion programs addressing drug abuse and mental health issues in the criminal justice system, the number of mentally ill offenders keeps on increasing.  Research shows that 50 percent of those who are released reenter prisons in less than three years of release. This ‘recycling’ of prisoners happens because the communities lack treatment and rehabilitation programs. There are few systematic programs linking the released offenders with state or local mental health programs. Continuation of treatment is very important and it should not stop upon the release of an offender. The transition phase is the most critical part of treatment as it determines the offenders’ next step after release. The immediate period post release is characterized by many risks such as suicide or death due to other causes. According to the department of justice, only one in three prisoners and one in six jail inmates are treated for mental health problems.

The department of corrections has previously been employing its own staff and mental health specialists to administer treatment directly to the offenders. However, due to the increasing cost of healthcare and additional expenses from paying staff members, such programs have been faced with a myriad of challenges. In addition, the increased litigation, lack of visionary leadership in the correction facilities and shortage of qualified mental health personnel to work in prisons has called for a change with many states privatizing mental health and other medical services.  Although it is not clear which model is appropriate for delivering adequate and reasonable services at a favorable price, it is clear that there is a dire need of psychiatrist and mental health services in correction institutions. Some states are offering the services directly to the offenders while others are using the services of private or public mental health vendors from reputable organizations. The most prominent method is using the services of social service professionals.

Substance abusers

In 2007, a report by the National Drug Intelligence Center indicated that drug abuse had cost the tax payer at least $ 193 billion. Out of this figure drug related crime was associated with $113 billion. This consisted of costs borne by victims of criminal activities and the criminal justice system. Out of this, the amount spent on treating offenders with drug problems was $14.6 billion. Drug treatment is effective in reducing drug addiction, and helps to save more money in the health care. In addition, treatment enables the offenders to regain their productivity, reduces crime and incarceration rates and also any costs associated with victimization. Some offenders have both mental health and drug abuse issues. This increases the risk of reentering prison after release if they are not treated for every problem.

After release, offenders might indulge in drug and alcohol abuse again. This might be due to pressures from friends and family members not to stop. This eventually leads them back to criminal lifestyle. In addition to this, they might have limited opportunities to get legitimate employment due to their criminal records. Lack of safe housing and associating with violent people can slowly lead them back to crime.  Most of them are stranded after release and they do not know where to start.  Even after treatment, the lack of an efficient transition program can be quite destabilizing. If the conditions after release are so stressful, it is possible for an offender to crawl back to drug and alcohol abuse (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2014).

Human service professionals are very instrumental in ensuring that substance abusers and mentally ill offenders get the help that they need. Offenders should be screened and assessed for mental illnesses and substance abuse so that they can receive treatment. Regular screening and assessment ensures that other inmates, staff and visitors are safe.  Screening for mental health issues seeks to identify those who can cause harm to themselves, determine whether an inmate can function properly in a correction facility, whether he/she should be taken to a mental health facility or they can benefit from prison treatment. Case management is also important to make sure that there are no barriers to optimal functioning. Case managers keep track of an offender’s progress and ensure that they are linked up with a community organization or agency to continue with treatment upon release. Case management follows several phases. These are intake, assessment, classification, referral, intervention, monitoring, evaluation and advocacy.

When working with substance abuse and mental health offenders, a human service worker should set and maintain boundaries. During the interviews or in the course of offering treatment, some clients might deviate from the subject matter by asking questions or starting unrelated conversations. When the sessions become monotonous and repetitive, clients may want to stray from the subject. In addition, it may happen because the sessions delve deep and clients have to disclose personal information which might make them uncomfortable. In addition, some clients can ask information about a client that the social worker has worked with before. In some cases, male clients working with female social workers can make sexual advancements or ask personal questions or their phone numbers. Such are some of the ways in which clients can break boundaries and make it challenging for the social worker to do their work.

In order to have a successful career in social work, a human service worker should understand the importance of maintaining boundaries.  The decisions they make regarding these boundaries affect their well being as well as that of their clients. No social worker, even the most experienced one, can anticipate situations that can challenge professional boundaries. What matters is how they respond when such incidents arise. In this case, human social workers should avoid talking about themselves since the session is primarily about the client. That said, no personal information should be disclosed. The human service worker should control the situation and make sure that the client pays attention. In addition to this, information about other clients should not be disclosed as it is against ethical standards of their profession. A human service worker should always stay focused. This way, a client cannot find loopholes that would encourage him/her to break boundaries (Social, 2011).


Please answer the following questions

  1. For how long have you had mental illness/substance addiction?
  2. 1-2 year
  3. 2 -4years
  • 5 or more years
  1. Can’t recall
  2. Have you sought treatment before?
  3. Yes
  4. No
  5. If the answer to question 2 is Yes, how was the experience and how was it helpful in helping you get better?
  6. Have you ever been convicted of a crime before?
  7. Yes
  8. No
  9. If the answer to question 4 is Yes, how long it take before you reentered prison.
  10. 1 year
  11. 2 years
  • 3 years
  1. 4 or more years
  2. Where did you live before conviction and with whom?
  3. Did you have a job before you were convicted? If Yes, what were your duties?
  4. How effective is this program in helping you get better?
  5. 1 (poor)
  6. 2 (satisfactory)
  • 3 ( good)
  1. 4 ( very good)
  2. 5 ( excellent)
  3. What do you want to achieve after this program?
  4. What would you want to do after you are released?




Daniel, A. (2007). Care of the Mentally Ill in Prisons: Challenges and Solutions. Retrieved 27 November 2016, from

National Institute on Drug Abuse,. (2014). Is providing drug abuse treatment to offenders worth the financial investment?. Retrieved 27 November 2016, from

Social,. (2011). setting and maintaining professional boundaries. Social Retrieved 27 November 2016, from