Lean Systems topics:JIT,Lean Production ,Kanban, Kaizen, Poka-yoke


Research the following topics related to Lean Systems:

  1. JIT
  2. Lean Production
  3. Kanban
  4. Kaizen
  5. Poka-yoke

Lean Systems



Just-in-time (JIT) is a management philosophy whose origins can be traced to Japan in the 1970s. JIT philosophy establishes six crucial aspects to consider in the manufacturing process. The six aspects are important in improving efficiency and effectiveness in the production process and include: having the right items, having the items at the right quality, right quantity, right place and right time (Cheng, Podolsky, & Jarvis, 1996). The use of the management philosophy is attributed to improved production process. The major areas of improvement include: improved communication, productivity, reduction in costs & wastes, high quality products, and efficiency in production process. JIT philosophy has certain unique characteristics that enables businesses achieve the aforementioned improvements. First, the management philosophy calls for demand driven production. Second, it advocates for the least possible time lapse between receipt of materials, processing, and moving the products to consumers. Third, it ensures minimum raw materials, work-in progress and finished goods levels.


Kaizen is a Japanese management philosophy that calls for daily improvements in the working practices and personal efficiency at the workplace. Kaizen philosophy perceives errors as a scrim overlying innovation and improvement opportunities. Kaizen philosophy is about making continuous improvements at the workplace. In essence, Kaizen philosophy advocates for businesses to always improve things and make them better that they were. There are four principles of Kaizen philosophy which include: continuous improvements, all cooperation in order to make improvements, improvements in every facet of the company & in personal life, and making small continuous improvements to large strategic improvements. Kaizen philosophy also advocates for customer orientation (Takeda & Konradt, 2006).


Poka-Yoke is a lean manufacturing philosophy that calls for mistake proofing in a variety of manufacturing aspects such as procurement, distribution of final products, customer service, and others. This philosophy aims at minimizing chances of error in the production process. In each single production step, errors are significantly minimized, thus improving the entire production process. Poka-yokes refer to the specific mechanisms that a business can employ to avoid errors in each step.
poka-yokes are categorized into two namely: prevention-based methods (warning & control)  and detection-based methods (motion step, fixed value, & contact) (Takeda & Konradt, 2006)



Cheng, T. C. E., Podolsky, S., & Jarvis, P. (1996). Just-in-time manufacturing: An introduction. London, Angleterre: Chapman and Hall.

Takeda, H., & Konradt, G. (2006). The synchronized production system: Going beyond just-in-    time through Kaizen. London: Kogan page.

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