Fashion review about Delpozo Spring 2017 ready to wear


Please write a fashion review about Delpozo Spring 2017 ready to wear. Describe some details of these garments.You should remember that your writing is intended to be persuasive. Your piece should articulate a well-formulated, coherent, and well-defined opinion on the collection.Again, any review that you write should not only demonstrate clearly that you viewed the collection, but should also demonstrate your knowledge of the designer and his/her previous collections.

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Delpozo Spring 2017

Delpozo’s designs are what one may refer to as contemporary designs, with no tinge of vintage fashion in them. The designs are just awesome, and a reflection of what creativity entails in the fashion industry. The Delpozo’s spring runway show in New York has exemplified the great talent of the mind behind the show, Josep Font. The Delpozo girls, as some called them, adorned beautiful dresses sewn in designs never seen before. The dresses and coats varied in their proportions – contrary to conventional designs, these dresses and coats had swells, dives, curves, arcs, and other unique shapes that mesmerized the huge audience that turned up (Anderson, 2016). That was not all, Delpozo girls adorned large chandelier-like earrings made of spangle. The earrings drooping down their earlobes added a bit of decorum to their dressing. Majority of the earrings match the dresses, while others are made to contrast or reflect one or more of the colors of the items worn.

The dresses were made in a myriad of designs, and with various embellishments on them. The opening dress was made of silky lame, had printed floral designs, and with pleating on the waist. In addition to these, the dress had tea-length hemline. Some of the designs had unique transparent features. For instance, there was a model with a layered skirt, and with a transparent outer sheer. Some dresses were tinged with gold, giving them the ultimate look. Josep Font draws inspiration from Joaquin Sorolla, a Spanish Impressionist, and Soo Sunny Park, a contemporary artist (Anderson, 2016). Font has promised a number of designs in the near future, such as nipped trousers. It will be interesting to see such a design come into reality.


Anderson, K. (2016, Sep. 14). Spring 2017 Ready-to-wear. Retrieved from   

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