A leader has the ability to combine commitment for improvement with knowledge regarding how to exercise influence and engage support (Dickson & Tholl, 2014). In the areas of nursing and public health, the focus is on improving health. Porter-O’Grady and Malloch (2015) noted several major tasks of 21st-century healthcare leaders. Applying essentials of leadership, select two (2) tasks from the following list of tasks and discuss how you would exercise influence and engage support for each of your selected tasks.
Deconstructing the barriers and structures of the 20th century
Alerting staff about the implications of changing what they do
Establishing safety around taking risks and experimenting
Embracing new technologies as a way of doing work
Reading the signposts along the road to the future
Translating the emerging reality of health reform into language that the staff can use
Demonstrating personal engagement with health reform
Helping others adapt to the demands of a value-driven health system
Creating a safe milieu for the struggles and pain of changing practice and service
Enumerating small successes as a basis for supporting staff
Sample paper
Essentials of Leadership
Alerting Staff about the implications of changing what they do
There is need to engage staff constantly about the need to adapt new strategies for doing things due to the evolving nature of the world. Every day there are changes occurring in the nursing and public health sector. As such, there is need for leaders to constantly interact with staff and learn how best they are adapting to changes in the nursing environment (In Dunham-Taylor, & In Pinczuk, 2015). Change is difficult to implement in any kind of organization. Lack of adequate change management can lead to failure of the organization to achieve its financial goals. When employees are not part of the change or when they do not perceive any benefits from changes, they may become frustrated and reduce their productivity. Leaders should take time to ensure employees embrace change. One of the actions that leaders can take to enhance change is training employees about the benefits of the intended change and need for change.
Embracing new technologies as a way of doing work
Technology is radically evolving, shaping various aspects of nursing and public health sector. As new technologies emerge, so does the need to apply effectively these technologies in the workplace. The rate of technology adoption in nursing and public health sector determines the achievement of positive health outcomes. Leaders face the enormous challenge of ensuring that staff is able to use new technologies in a way that promotes achievement of positive health outcomes in nursing and public health sectors. One way of ensuring support for this is by providing continuous training to staff. All staff members should be able to know how to apply correctly new medical technologies. Training should place emphasis on the benefits derived from using new technology. Another way of exercising influence is by encouraging the early adopters. This represents the category of staffs who are quick to learn and apply the new technology. Such a category can encourage the slow learners to adopt the technology.
In Dunham-Taylor, J., & In Pinczuk, J. Z. (2015). Financial management for nurse managers: Merging the heart with the dollar. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
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