Dogmatic Absolutism-Critical thinking


Describe the primary point of view that you use to guide your thinking. What are the strengths and weaknesses of your view? In addition, describe a time when you, someone you know, or someone from a story you have seen experienced activated ignorance. What was the event, and how did that person display activated ignorance? Your explanations should have reasons that support them and that make use of the concepts in the textbook.

Sample paper

Dogmatic Absolutism-Critical thinking

Most of the people have different opinions and points of views that influence their critical thinking. As a result, at times people may share the same ideas and concepts while on another occasion, the same people may have varied opinions on another subject. At times, individuals blame the lack of knowledge as the main reason they arrived at their decisions while on another occasion; the blame is on the wrong set of data. However, an opinion, attitude or judgment is the main factors that influence individual’s critical thinking.

Many are the times that I like using first person point of view when arriving at a critical answer. However, this does not mean that the first person point of view does not have both pro and cons. Some of the strengths of this point of view are that I can get first-hand information which is pure and free from bias (Bean, 2011). First person point of view also gives me an opportunity to get instant feedback from my subjects. On the other hand, this point of view can highly be influenced by personal judgments and past experiences thus resulting in unreliable results.

Around a mid-last year, I witnessed a friend of mine who went to a hotel and bought chips for lunch. On the table, he had two can of sources. Without reading the name on the cans, he started put the source on his food only to realize that he was using chili source rather than tomato source, and he could not eat the food (Bean, 2011). This event shows high levels of ignorance because that friend of mine had the data on his table but he chose not to read. He started working without reading the instructions, and this led to a great loss regarding food and money.


Bean, J. C. (2011). Engaging ideas: The professor’s guide to integrating writing, critical thinking, and active learning in the classroom. John Wiley & Sons.