You will curate and create a digital/virtual exhibition featuring artistic and cultural artifacts, organized according to a common theme or way of considering these works.

You will curate and create a digital/virtual exhibition featuring artistic and cultural artifacts, organized according to a common theme or way of considering these works.  The exhibition may be created using digital vehicle with which they are familiar.

  • Four to five artifacts;
  • A substantive narrative overview addressing the theme and purpose of the exhibit;
  • A substantive narrative for each artifact
  • Digital copies or representations of the artifacts, which (at the decision of the curator) may consist of:  images / drawings / photographs / illustrations; text excerpts if literary in nature; video and/or audio recordings; hyperlinks to significant resources to aid in artistic and cultural understanding.  You are encouraged to use your imagination and resources available to you through digital means.
  • Elements that your audience can interact with in some way, if appropriate and possible