Bicentennial Man

Bicentennial Man

Due May 17 (11:59 pm)

Instructions (contains spoilers): For this assignment, you will be watching the film, Bicentennial Man. The movie follows an android, Andrew, progressing from a basic yet highly programmed android to becoming recognized as human. At the end of the film, a governmental body hears Andrew’s plea to be legally recognized as human and, ultimately, grants his wish.

For this assignment, you can choose one of two paths based on your response to the question: How would you have voted if you are on this committee? If you would vote to declare Andrew human, address the items in PATH A. If you would vote to deny Andrew human-status, address the items in PATH B. Keep in mind that your decision will grant or deny Andrew the rights that go along with being human. Choose only one path and support your responses with information from the course and with specific examples from the film. OPTIONAL: You may write this assignment as if it was a formal document from the committee in the film


-Why would you vote that Andrew is human? Why might someone vote, “No, Andrew is not human.” and why are they wrong? (4 pts)

-What point in the film would you point to and say, “THERE! That is when he became human!” Why this specific moment? (2 pts)

-Based on your responses above, what type of anthropology are you applying in your responses? Compare your anthropology with one character in the film that uses a different anthropology (you can pick anyone, whether they view Andrew as human or not). (2 pts)

-The classic science fiction/horror character Frankenstein’s Monster was created through assembling body parts from different corpses into a singular being. There have been many interpretations of this character beyond the original story. Using the depiction presented in the clip associated with this assignment (see eClass), would you consider this version of the character to be human? Why or why not? (2 pts)


-Why would you vote that Andrew is not human? Why might someone vote, “Yes, Andrew is human.” and why are they wrong? (4 pts)

-What would it take for you to vote for Andrew to be human? (2 pts)

-Based on your responses above, what type of anthropology are you applying in your responses? Compare your anthropology with someone else in the film (you can pick anyone, whether they view Andrew as human or not). (2 pts)

-The classic science fiction/horror character Frankenstein’s Monster was created through assembling body parts from different corpses into a singular being. There have been many interpretations of this character beyond the original story. Using the depiction presented in the clip associated with this assignment (see eClass), would you consider this version of the character to be human? Why or why not? (2 pts)

Format/Additional Requirements (not meeting format guidelines will result in loss of points):

  • You must use your own words. In other words, no direct quotations (even if cited) or copying and pasting from any source (i.e., plagiarism). I will allow some direct quotations for this assignment, however, they must not be used to make a point for your but rather be a quotation you are critiquing or offering your own perspective about.
  • APA format
  • Font: 12 pt. Times New Roman
  • Margins: 1” (2.54 cm) all around
  • Page limit: None
  • Title-page: Not necessary
  • References and citations: No
  • Save and upload file: Save the file as a .docx, .doc., .rtf, or .pdf; preference for .docx) with your last name, first initial and the assignment number as the filename (e.g., for me the file would be SharpM1.docx).
  • Use proper writing style. This includes clarity, punctuation, grammar, and spelling. Also, don’t use too long of paragraphs—each paragraph should focus on a central idea. There is a penalty of up to 10% of possible points for poor writing style.