Decision-making process for designing a video game


For your Final Project, you are in charge of designing a video game. You will be responsible for all visual aspects of the game.

Write 250–500 words on the topics listed below and include a detailed analysis of your decision-making process. Your chosen designers must be contemporary (but not necessarily covered in this module). Again, support your artistic decisions and choices with detailed explanations, and address the following in your response:

Genre: What type of game will it be? First-person shooter, fantasy, role-playing, science fiction, etc.?

Visual style: What will the look of your game be? Realistic, graphic, painterly, etc.? How will the look affect the shape language of your game?

Art director: What contemporary designer will you choose to set the visual style for your game? What are the qualities of the designer’s past work that will support your chosen design language?

Concept designers: Choose at least two contemporary designers you would employ to work on your game. What are the visual qualities they would bring to the game?


The purpose of this assignment is to gain greater insight into the visual decision process for the creation of a video game.


Decision-making process for designing a video game

The new game will be a first-person shooter. The game will revolve around the main character who possesses a range of weapons. The first-person shooter type of a game allows the player to experience the action through the perspective of the character. The major advantage with developing a first-shooter game is that it is more realistic since it allows the player to devote fully to the game as if he/she performs the action. The game will feature realistic graphics. The idea is to have the player feel as though he/she is experiencing the action. Using realistic graphics will make the players feel immersed into the game. Realistic graphics will also enable the player to develop connections other in-game characters. As such, the player is more likely to develop emotions while playing a game with more realistic characters.

The contemporary designer I will choose to set the visual style of the game is Richard Kriegler. Kriegler has been involved in a number of previously released games as an art director. Kriegler has been involved in developing a number of games and movies including Call of Duty Series (Modern Warfare 1, Modern Warfare 2, and Modern Warfare 3), Star Trek: Insurrection, Ghosts of Mars, and others (IMDb, 2016). Kriegler has also worked for Infinity Ward, a world-renown video game developer. The most important quality of his work is strong visual effects and high realism.

The concept designers I would employ are Imran Sarwar and Leslie Benzies. The two have been involved in the designing the world-famous video game Grand Theft Auto V. One of the visual qualities they would introduce into the game is aesthetic pleasure. This refers to the emotional response towards a certain works of art. The other quality they would introduce into the game is interactivity or the capability to influence the players.


IMDb. (2016). Richard Kriegler. Retrieved from

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