Business Analytics & Intelligence Reporting 


Business Analytics & Intelligence Reporting

Assignment Overview


You compiled a comprehensive report based on the findings for the Module 4 Session Long Project. It included workplace applications that may be implemented based on the findings. You will present your findings to industry leaders.

Case 4 ResourcesPresentation Tips to Improve Your Data Science Communication SkillsOvercoming Obstacles in Your PresentationFunctions of the Presentation to PersuadeDeveloping Pitches for Various Audiences and Goals

Case Assignment

Write a 300- to 350-word document that is the basis of your presentation. (No video)

Case 4 Assignment Guidance FilesBUS520 Case 4 Assignment Video GuidanceBUS520 Case 4 Assignment Guide

Assignment Expectations


A 300- to 350-word written document using the attached template (BUS520 Case4 Template)

** Please see attached files for assignment details ***