SpeedyWriters Posts

Question Differentiate between the consensus, ratio, and apportion methods? Provide an example for when each method is used. Sample paper Consensus, Ratio, and Apportion Methods There are varieties of models…


Question Identify the steps of the risk management process.  Sample paper Risk Management Process Just like individuals, all business organizations face some degree of probability or threat of damage.  In…

Business Assignment help



Question Project Management overview What is appreciative inquiry (AI)? What are the implications of AI on defining project scope? Sample paper Appreciative inquiry/Project Management Human being is a social being…

Business & Finance homework help

Project Conflict Management For an enterprise or entity to excel, it has to perform projects to help it to adapt to changes or introduce new products or new processes. A…


Business & Finance homework help

Importance of Business Ethics to Organizations The importance of business ethics to organizations cannot be underestimated. In the recent years, ethical conduct of employees in organizations have occupied center stage…

Business & Finance homework help

ANALYZE YOUR STYLE UNDER STRESS The stakes in crucial conversations are high and usually makes emotions run high. The individuals struggle to stay cool. Most of the persons calm up…


Importance of work life balance in an organization Work life balance basically means having a balance between work and personal life hence improving employee’s productivity. Work-life balance helps in creating…
