Reasons why students hate homework

Even the most intelligent student who loves doing subjects like mathematics, engineering, statistics, economics, etc., hates doing homework. You can score very high marks in their tests and even solve difficult calculus equations, but when it comes to completing homework, it becomes a nightmare.

Even though homework helps students understand the topic being taught and improve their skills doing assignments has never been easy. A survey shows that 70% of students hate doing their homework. Below are some of the reasons that make students hate doing homework.

1. It causes anxiety, stress, and headache

When students have assignments due in a few hours and have not completed them, they get stressed and have headaches. Some students dont have the time to work on the homework while others dont have the capability meaning they dont understand the assignment.

Looking at some of the education forums, students state that they have headaches when studying independently at home. Hard subjects like mathematics are even worse when it comes to stressing students. Because of that, many students result in “pay someone to do MyMathLab” services to avoid the stress.

2. Homework takes a lot of time

The educational process is very time-consuming. Every student spends at least 8 hours in college doing studies on average. When class is over, every student is very tired of homework, especially when the professors assign several assignments to be done the same night.

If you spend the whole night doing your homework and fail to read your notes, you will find yourself in a fix because you will have a lot of notes to cram in a few days at the end of the term.

Having too many assignments will require students to spend a lot of time on their books. College life is not all about books. To enjoy your college life, you have to balance the time you spend reading and your free time playing games and watching movies. Social students are likely to hate doing homework because they will lack the free time to spend with their friends.

3. It discourages learning

When students have to spend the whole night doing homework, they get tired and bored with the subject. Generally, homework is not engaging, and few students can like the learning process. Too much workload leads to stress and depression, leading to students dropping out of school.

4. Assignments destroys creativity

Anyone who wants to achieve success in their career must be creative. Creativity helps in finding better solutions to problems and staying ahead of others.

Homeworks are good for helping students unleash their creativity; however, if you are tired, this won’t help you in any way. The professor may try hard to teach you creativity; however, spending a lot of time doing homework after classes will kill it.

Also, some assignments like nursing coursework dont require any creativity; however, this can be helpful in certain subjects that require programming, etc.


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