
Create a grant writing guide that incorporates the most important parts of the grant writing process from beginning to end. The guide does not have to be in APA format, but the information you include from outside sources must be cited and referenced in APA format.

Sample paper


The Grant Making Guidelines


A grant is usually written to request for particular favour, mainly the financial ones. As part of preparation of a grant, it is advisable that the grant focuses on the need of the granters, instructions and his/her desires. (Gitlin & Lyons,2013) Grants may be applied to obtain favours that are likely to aid in various projects such as construction of buildings, catering for training needs, looking for volunteer services and advocacy services as they seem appropriate by the institutions or the parties involved. When applying for a grant, it is advisable to be keen on the interests of the parties offering the grants. The following are the steps that need be followed.

The Guides

Understanding the needs of the grantor

The first thing will be to understand the needs of the granters. This is so because it is v common to have some philosophies, intentions or laws behind a given grant. This laws principals and philosophies are likely to guide how the funds will be distributed. A closer examination of this laws is likely to provide some insights which will aid in providing a hint on how to approach the granter. Finding out more about the granter and asking yourself why the guarantor is offering this grants will make sure that a clear hint is developed and in the grant proposal, the actual intentions which the grantor tries to achieve will be stated in the proposal ( Bennett,2014)., This will help in making sure that the grantor does not let down the proposal. In this connection, the other thing that need to be considered is what the grantor need to be done after the grant is issued. Considerate person who issues is held accountable in reviewing the grant will also help in knowing how the grant should be phrased.

Developing a proposal that will fit the application

In this stage, when one has already evaluated the need of the person or te institution offering the grant, the next thing will be looking for the tools that are likely to aid in ensuring that the proposal written will meet the application requirements. In this connection, the major budget items in the project that need funding should be clearly outlined to make sure that the need for funding arise automatically. This will provide the reason as to why funding will be necessary in this project.Gitlin & Lyons,(2013) says that this has an impact of convincing the supplier of the grant why he/she should offer the grant to you and not to the other personalities who applied for the same. It is also important to show how the grant will be resourceful if the grantor accept offering it. It is of great importance to be sure of what is actually needed for the grant. Making assumptions will make the application appear complicated and this might make it not attract the attention of the grantor. This may make the grantor lack the reason behind providing the grant to the applicant.

Understanding the requirements of the grant

This guide helps in avoiding applying for grants that may have some requirements that are beyond the amount of resources that one has. In this connection, some points need be considered in a great way. For instance, considering how long the application will take is one requirement that one will require to consider since the grant cannot be offered earlier than that. Some requirements are attached to some legalities and this will need to be given some form of attention. If the requirements seem very tough to accomplish but there is possibility of accomplishing the same, the next stage, which is looking for the next possible option need be taken into account. (Gholipour,et al,2014).

Looking and getting the second option

This will be applicable if there is no possibility of obtaining the grantor. Before submitting the grant proposal, it will be wise to have it reviewed by some third parties who might be close to you. Giving the proposal to a person who can effectively proofread that job will be of paramount important since the person is likely to identify some mistakes that might have not be noticed before. Also, having an access to a person who had some good knowledge when it comes to budget matters will help to identify the mistakes that might be present in the budget which might serve as a reason as to why the grant should not be offered, (Gholipour,et al 2014).

Related: Budget Construction for Education Purposes

Having a good display of resources

This stage depends on the fact that each and every grantor need to have access to the needs, requirements and all the resources of the applicant. This is so because it plays a vital role in determining how much serious the applicant of the grant is. In this connection, it is important to also make sure that there us good identification of the partners in the grant proposal. As Gholipour,et al (2014) says, the associated projects, groups and all the other relevant things that are likely to show the seriousness of the applicant need be brought to the table.

Showing that the public supports the project

It is obvious that grantors will be willing to fund those projects that are generally accepted and embraced by the public and the governing authority in general, (Gorsevski,2016). In this sence, showing that the public is in support of the project will aid in motivation the grantors, who will as a result find the purpose of offering the grant.

Making the use of reviewers

The application should be made live in the minds of those who view it. They should be able to easily visualise what comes out of the application offered. Since the viewers are the same as the grantors, it is more likely that the attitude that they will have towards the application tabled will be the same as that of the grantors, (Gorsevski,2016).

Being clear and also specific

Being clear and specific means being straight forward when it comes to the objectives that are to be made. This applies to the proposal. This will provide enough credibility. If there are no answers to particular questions regarding the project., being frank to say so will be of much significance. If one is invited to make some presentations by the grantor regarding the same, they should be ready to do so. To be more clear, having a prior practice on preparations will be important. (Gholipour,et al 2014).

Being consider and complete

Being concise means being straight to the point. The application should provide the minimal time to be reviewed. Being complete means that all the relevant information concerning the application is provided.

In Summary, the following steps should be followed

Defining the project that require funding, stating the purpose, mission and objectives of the project.

Identifying the best sources of grantors

Contacting the funders or the grantors

Acquiring the guidelines and requirements for the grant to be successful

Obtaining the deadline for submission of the grant proposal as this will aid in setting and updating the timeline to make sure that there are no instances of being rate.

Determining the personnel needs through contraction the people who will tend to be valuable on matters relation to writing the proposal


From the above discussion, it is true that there are many considerations that need be given much attention. This guides, when followed strictly will ensure that the grant proposal goes through and is successful at the end.


Gitlin, L. N., & Lyons, K. J. (2013). Successful grant writing: Strategies for health and human service professionals. Springer Publishing Company.

Karsh, E., & Fox, A. S. (2014). The Only Grant-Writing Book YouÕll Ever Need. Basic books.

Gorsevski, E. W. (2016). What Goes Inside a Typical Grant Proposal?. InWriting Successful Grant Proposals (pp. 13-27). SensePublishers.

Gholipour, A., Lee, E. Y., & Warfield, S. K. (2014). The anatomy and art of writing a successful grant application: a practical step-by-step approach.Pediatric radiology44(12), 1512-1517.

Bennett, C. J. (2014). Secrets of Successful Grant Writing: Using the Phased Approach in a Small Public Library. OLA Quarterly6(1), 8-11.


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