Grant Implementation by a Criminal Justice Agency


Write a paper in which you identify a grant funded program that was implemented by a criminal justice agency in the last five years. Include the following in your paper:
?Summarize the nature of the program.
?Explain how the agency implemented the program.
?Identify what need the program was intended to affect. Discuss how the program was funded, including the funding organization.

Sample paper

Grant Implementation by a Criminal Justice Agency

In the state of Kansas, a lot of cases of violence against women had been reported which was alarming that needed to be addressed in real time. On a daily basis violence ranging from domestic, dating, stalking, and sexual abuse were at least reported more than once. These crimes have no boundaries since it cuts across the class of people whether rich or poor and whether old or young (Violence, 2010). It is due to these devastating violence that the office of the governor had a mission to administer the STOP Violence against Women, with the aim to reduce and ultimately eliminate violence against women in the state of Kansas.

The STOP VAWA grant program is designed to provide support to the communities purposely to hire and retain personnel who respond to violent crimes against women, as a measure to help in development and reinforcement of the law, improve efficiency in the prosecution process, court and victim services response to violence against women. The funds are dedicated for use in hiring and retaining personnel that deals with criminal justice and victim services, who can respond promptly to cases involving the crime against women (Office, 2010). The funds also provide assistance to the strategies that provide and preserve jobs as well as promoting economic improvement while still serving its intended purpose to control different violence in the community.

In additional to the supporting the programs designed against violence the grants also seeks to identify what should be prioritized regarding domestic violence, sexual assault dating violence and stalking in the state of Kansas. A well-documented blueprint for the years 2015-2017 meant to address the identified priorities comprehensively regarding how effectively to deal with prevention and responses to violence against women in Kansas (Kansas, 2014). The implementation process of the grant was divided into various critical subsections. They include, Coordinated Community Response/Multidisciplinary Response, Victim Service Maintenance, and Expansion, Enhanced Adjudication Process Training Policy, Procedures and Planning, Technology and Information (Office, 2010).

Coordinated community response remained the centerpiece in the efforts to implement this grant on focusing on crimes violence women. To succeed in this, there would be augmentation of effort to provide services in the undeserving the community, an enhanced response to stalking as well as development and maintenance of sexual assault response team (Office, 2010). The purpose of the team is to ensure that any case reported relating sexual assault is amicably handled to the final. The proactive teams have to be identified and funding allocated depending on the population density and relative size of existing law enforcement force.

The implementation process is aimed at ultimately dealing with the domestic violence sexual assault, stalking and dating violence by a proper maintenance of victims’ service programs and expanding to traditionally underserved population. The service will involve support and involvement of traditionally underserved victims, i.e. disabled, elderly and new Americans and Native Americans (Office, 2010). It will also include the expansion of access for victims’ needs of translational services, as well as providing enhanced services to victims facing stalking. The geographic concern must be put to consideration as well as the demographic needs. The problems must be clearly defined and identified before reimbursement of grants.

An improved adjudication process, including judicial process, prosecution and how courts management of offender personnel behavior and securing victim safety through fair related projects. Such procedures would include the bail conditions as the criminal justice network as protection orders information are included.  Providing of training focusing on sexual assault and encouraging the public to report in case they get victimized or witness a scene of violence the issue can get reported to the relevant authority to be dealt with amicably. In additional to these, there should be an emphasis on the safety of the courtroom to enhance acceleration of court process and provision of a special docket to handle domestic violence cases at the courts.

Training is crucial in the implementation process since their involved parties will have a clear understanding of what step should be taken in case they are faced with a particular situation. The victims, services providers’ medical personnel and first responders are provided with essential training in several aspects of the response to sexual assault and domestic violence (Office, 2010). The methods of training involved include the online, and the traditional methods of criminal justice should as well be enhanced. Training should be done within the areas including predominant and aggressive training.  Advanced training for the judicial practitioners as well as an improved sexual assault nurse examination training.

Policy procedure and implementation is a strategy that will help in ensuring that effective development and application of court processes such as prosecution, law enforcement ad bail are well documented and handle. Focus will be on the safety needs of the victims. Secondly the developments risk and assessment tools and identification precaution for the retrieval of personal property by the victim the victim. Besides effective policies and responses are developed for victims of stalking.

Technology and information are very crucial in the implementation process, therefore, more concentration in development and refining means of technology much be handled with due care. The measure will be used effectively in ensuring that an unoffered measure of to obtained reports at all levels in the judicial system. The process of identification and data collection format that contributes to the body of the data available is crucial. Quality improvements in data collection in the areas deemed to be undeserved to provided consistent information.

The grant program was entirely funded by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office on Violence against Women and the funds are made available for all who can apply to consider (Office, 2010). The funds will also be provided to the Kansas Department of Corrections to help the state to comply with the Prison Rape Elimination Act. Everyone who applies for the funds must prove beyond doubt that the funds will serve the intended purpose.

At the level of the state they are to be awarded competitively through an annual request for proposals process. The projects to be selected according to how they crucial meet the needs for the federal government and the priority areas i.e. they must identify the gaps available in service for the victims of domestic violence, dating violence stalking and sexual assault. The strategies should be focused towards meeting the undeserved and isolated communities and population, as well as improve cultural and linguistic capacity of various communities.


Kansas, E. O. (2014). STOP Violence Against Women Implementation Plan 2014-2017. Kansas.

Office, K. G. (2010). STOP Violence Against Women Implementation plan 2011-2014. Kansas.

Violence, K. C. (2010). Addressing Sexual Violence in Kansas: . A State Response Plan.

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