
According to Assunção, M. D., Calheiros, R. N., Bianchi, S., Netto, M. A., & Buyya, R. (2015), computer architecture is the process of building and designing a structure by determining the needs of the users. It also ensures that the needs are met effectively within the technological and economical constraints. The Brazilian Federal Data Processing Service, well-known as Sepro, is mandated with an architectural task of building a secure email system for the federal government of Brazil. The move is as a result of reports from the media that overseas intelligence outfit interrupted electronic communication in the country. To increase solitude and inviolability of official messages, Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff has asked Sepro to build a safe email system for the national government. As a first step, he believes that there should be increased security on messages so as to avoid potential surveillance.

Types of Organizational and Computer Architectures for Integrating Systems

There has been an electronic undercover work by the NSA and other intelligence bureaus. That is according to documents and media reports that were leaked by ex-U.S. National Security Agency service provider Edward Snowden. The spying has stretched to Petrobras, the national oil company of the federal government of Brazil. I agree that this is a perfect example of a business ethical problem that faces the people of Brazil. The spying is a breach of international law and a failure of a treaty that had been signed at an International Conference Union in Dubai. Also, the information gathered can be used by the agencies and enemies to sabotage and impair Brazil’s economy.

The level of security paucity innate in the Brazilian Federal Data Processing Service original enterprise architecture is worrying. To avoid the espionage, Brazil could have in the past considered the quagmire and built an original architecture that would have shielded them from the problem at hand. The architecture would have been encrypted and designed to lock foreign agencies such as NSA from accessing valuable information.

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An architecture plan to address and solve Brazilian business ethical problem

The quality of the proposed architecture plan of building a secure email by the Brazilian Federal Data Processing Service geared toward resolving the security quagmire is high. Nevertheless, the architecture plan has its own shortcoming. Further, the IT gurus should consider laying a new undersea fiber cable directly to Europe and allow U.S online service provider such as Google to only horde information of Brazilians in Brazilian data centers. That will ensure that routing of Brazil’s internet connection doesn’t hail from the U.S. making the information inaccessible to them. Besides, they can choose to keep all the servers in Brazil and encrypt the traffic within or outside the country. The systems should be tailor made to interact with services that are encrypted thus shutting out US National Security Agency (NSA).

Use of Technology and Information Resources to Enterprise Architecture Research

The intelligence agency that I have researched hasn’t taken necessary precautions in a bid to avoid a breach of security similar to that experienced by the Brazilian Federal Data Processing Service. I recommend that the people communicating through emails should have fortification against overseas snooping.

Advanced Computer Architecture

To build original architecture, the Brazilian Federal Data Processing Service must have an in depth understanding of advanced computer architecture and organization. Firstly, they must have good understanding of computer arithmetic. The unit provides IT specialists with knowledge of diverse ways to characterize numeric data in systems that are digital and algorithm used to perform arithmetic on the data. The skills assist the students to acknowledge the efficacy and limitations of various coding methods and their resultant errors.

Secondly, the understanding of memory system architecture and organizational introduces Brazilian Federal Data Processing Service to technologies on memory, hierarchical memory architecture that includes virtual memory and cache, main organization of memory and theory of memory management. The learner in this topic should comprehend the consequence of latency and bandwidth on the performance of the system. It also enhances their use of memory hierarchy to better performance. They learn on how memory system errors arise and measures to curb the errors (Breitman, K., Salas, P., Casanova, M. A., Saraiva, D., Gama, V., Viterbo, J., … & Chaves, M. 2012).

Thirdly, the Brazilian Federal Data Processing Service should understand interface subsystems and interfacing and communication. In this process, it is simply the interaction of the CPU with (I/O) or input output devices. They should be able to use the assembly language to outline how to use interrupts to implement data transfer and I/O controls.

Fourthly, the IT specialist should have knowledge on processor system design. The topic provides an understanding of how a CPU chip is curved into a complete system. The learner should be able to state, design, and comprehend the act of trouble-free computer interfaces such as peripheral chips and memory.

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Fifthly, the organization of the CPU enables the specialist to evaluate alternatives execution of data-paths. It also enables them to analyze the generation of control signals by use of hardwired or micro programmed implementation. Learners should understand fundamental instruction level parallelism by use of pipelining.

Sixthly, they should comprehend the topic on performance enhancement. The topic addresses concerns that affect performance of the system such as speculative execution, superscalar operation and multithreading (Lucian Constatin , Oct 14, 2013).

Lastly, the student must have a comprehension of multiprocessing. The topic introduces the students to the notion of parallel processing that goes beyond the conventional Von Neumann model including constraints imposed by coherency of cache. Advance knowledge in all this topics will enable IT specialists, government and intelligent agency to build an effective architecture plan that curbs electronic spying by foreigners.


Assunção, M. D., Calheiros, R. N., Bianchi, S., Netto, M. A., & Buyya, R. (2015). Big Data computing and clouds: Trends and future directions. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing79, 3-15.

Breitman, K., Salas, P., Casanova, M. A., Saraiva, D., Gama, V., Viterbo, J., … & Chaves, M. (2012). Open government data in Brazil. IEEE Intelligent Systems, (3), 45-49.

Lucian Constatin (Oct 14, 2013). Brazil to fortify government email system following NSA snooping revelations.Retrieved from

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