Cost benefits to cloud computing

In a world of technology, there are new concepts each and every year. Cloud computing comprises of the act of utilizing a system of a remote server facilitated on the web to store, oversee and handle information instead of utilization the nearby server or a PC. This new technology in the market empowers universal systems to access a common system of configurable computing servers. Research shows that there are great cost benefits associated with the use of cloud computing and they include:

  1. The availability of fully utilized hardware – cloud computing provides high utilization and smoothing of the unavoidable peaks and troughs in workloads. This means that users have an opportunity to store their work in this web-based hardware which enables them to access their data from any point provided they have an internet access(Bigelow, 2012). Additionally, the fully utilized programming enables the appropriated processing provider to propel the framework needs of its server ranches thus reducing the expenses of the user.
  2. Lower power costs – it is far much cheaper for any computer and internet user to use cloud computing services from a cloud administration supplier compared to purchasing personal server space. When an individual runs his or her private server, it means that the servers provided cloud administration suppliers will not be fully utilized which leads to waste vitality which increases the cost of purchase a server space(Hodges, 2011).
  3. Zero capital costs – when an internet user moves to cloud computing, he or she is not required to pay or have capital costs for server installment since he can rent this service from a cloud computing administration supplier(Olavsrud, 2013). This reduces the cost needed for one to use cloud computing compared with the initial cost needed to purchase a server space


Bigelow, S. J. (2012). Cost savings, efficiencies lead IT pros to cloud computing. Retrieved from search cloud computing:

Hodges, C. (2011). Cloud Computing Rains Cost Savings, Productivity Benefits. Retrieved from industryweek:

Olavsrud, T. (2013). How Cloud Computing Helps Cut Costs, Boost Profits. Retrieved from cio:–boost-profits.html