A Rose for Emily analysis essay

A Rose for Emily analysis essay

William Faulkner published the novel, A Rose for Emily. William Faulkner was born in Oxford, Mississippi, on 6th September 1897 and died on 6th July 1962. He lived in Mississippi for the bulk of his life. Faulkner also fought for both the Canadians and the British in the First World War. He grew up in Oxford, Mississippi, and penned most of his stories there. He also dabbled with poetry. People consider him one of the significant intellectual authors of all time. William Faulkner was a school dropout and labored as a banker and craftsman for a period. His articles primarily focused on the social politics of the day. William Faulkner’s novel A Rose for Emily was published in 1930.

In his essay “A Rose for Emily,” Faulkner William did an outstanding job.”. Faulkner used symbolism, themes, identity formation, and other narrative techniques. The viewers will not be able to find out who the narrator is by reading the essay. The presenter purports to be the unified voice of the community. The narrator’s use of the collaborative utterance supports the hypothesis that he is acting in the townspeople’s interests when he discusses “Miss Emily’s” existence. Faulkner employed the flashback mechanism to make his writing more charismatic.

The story starts with Emily’s burial, then moves on to her origins, and the readers finally understand that the funeral is also a flashback.

The apologue begins with Miss Emily’s sudden demise at seventy-four and then skips backward to her youth. William Faulkner uses the townspeople’s point of view throughout the story to express their particular perceptions of Miss Emily. She finds it tough to get over it and live a regular life that includes social interaction due to her father’s death. Emily’s situation is made worse because she is stereotyped and criticized by her peers. Emily feels devoted to anybody who pays attention to her, despite her heritage and the townspeople’s judgments. As a result, she is very cautious of individuals she loves and apprehensive about her capacity to keep them in her life. Miss Emily is repressed and controlled by her father and ostracized by the town, leading to her spiral into psychosis and the assassination of Homer Barron. She eventually becomes as authoritarian as her father.

Faulkner has detailed all of the personalities to the highest standard possible. Emily Grierson, Barron Homer, Stevens Judge, Jefferson’s mayor, Emily’s daddy, Mr. Grierson, her servant, Tobe, Sartoris, a past mayor to Jefferson are considered the key characters in this narrative. The narrator describes Emily as a masterpiece, but one marked by hostility. The story depicts her transformation from an energetic tiny girl to an authoritarian and reclusive older woman. She failed to acknowledge that her father had passed on and continued to convince everybody in town that he was still alive.

Homer Barron and Emily have several similarities. According to Emily, Homer is described as an interloper who becomes the focus of rumors. The novelist describes Homer as a tall gentleman with darker skin tones and a sharp sense of humor. Tobe’s character has a vital significance in the plot. He is an allegiant and submissive assistant. He took care of Emily until her death, then strolled out the back entrance and never returned. Mr. Grierson was a well-behaved gentleman. Emily’s apartment would always be clean when he was alive. He gained a lot of respect in society, but he also gained a lot of respect for his household when he died.

“Parkades and textile distilleries had infringed,” Faulkner writes, “raising its haughty and flirtatious ruin far over linen trucks and petrol pumps, and ugly among vacant lots.” In this sentence, Faulkner aims to represent Emily’s dwelling as a memorial. Emily’s residence is “stubborn and coquettish,” much as she is. It’s mysterious, just like Emily. The town’s citizens are interested in finding out what is happening behind the scenes. Her residence, like Emily’s, seems to have become the subject of grapevine. Her house is packed with abstruseness. Since the narrative revolves around the tragedies of Emily, Mr. Grierson, the city’s prominent governor, and Emily’s lover, fatality and transformation are essential topics. When Emily’s father died and became unwell, her hopes were destroyed by the loneliness she had started to encounter. Emily’s choice to buy poison from the pharmacy astounded the residents. They assumed Emily acquired the toxin to attempt suicide, but she ultimately killed her lover Homer and buried his remains in the house until she died at 74.

The next generation of municipal officials did not appreciate Emily’s remitted taxes arrangement. To acquaint the reader with Emily’s circumstances, Faulkner displays the disparity in values near the novel’s start. Evidence shows that Emily’s every move is examined by her community throughout the novel. For example, when the story begins, everyone in town is attending her burial. “Our entire town attended the burial ceremony; the males largely out of enthusiasm to visit the inward of her dwelling, which had never been seen before in nearly 10 years apart from one elderly chauffeur, a competent landscaper, and cook,” Faulkner wrote.

The town’s residents attend Miss Emily’s burial out of cynicism and curiosity, not out of respect. She is regarded as a “fallen monument” in the community. The town’s men attend the burial to honor her family’s name and her father’s accomplishments, while the ladies go merely to judge her home. The tale takes an unconventional approach. It explains how the narrator transformed his self-concepts into widely believed ideas.

According to the report, the inhabitants of Jefferson considered Miss Emily as a feeble person. Emily loses hope when she cannot marry because she feels that every woman needs a guy to bring stability to her life. Emily appeared to have a psychiatric illness due to how society treated her. When Emily’s father died, she could not pay her taxes, so when tax officials came to her house to collect money, she told them to talk with the old mayor, who passed away a few years ago. Emily was a peculiar woman who demonstrated her peculiarity throughout the tale. The strangest part was that she used to sleep on the same bed like a corpse. Emily’s mental health could have deteriorated as a result of several circumstances. It could be because she did not marry when she was old enough, or she witnessed her well-off family fall apart suddenly. Emily grew up in an affluent home, and when her father died, he left her nothing.

Miss Emily’s father was quite strict with her, not allowing any guys to visit her or even close to her. “None of the youngsters were quite pleasant enough for Miss Emily and such,” Faulkner says, exemplifying this characteristic. Because her father tried to balance the family status, Emily was robbed of the relationships and love she craved. “…even with the craziness in the family, she wouldn’t have rebuffed all of her possibilities if they had genuinely manifested,” the author explains her circumstances. Emily’s father would not allow her to date, regardless of whether Emily wanted to be involved in relationships or not. Emily grew up to be highly protected due to her father’s attitude, and the town was not surprised when she was unmarried at the age of 30. Her father was egotistical, and his egotism snuffed out all aspirations of contentment for her.

Finally, Emily was not afraid of dying. Her peers were baffled by her. According to his daughter, her father was a stubborn man who trusted that no one could ever be honorable enough. He chased away all the young men who were interested in his daughter.

Emily eventually discovered that Homer Barron liked males and was not a “marrying guy” when she was infatuated with him. Because of these considerations, Emily decided that death was the only option.


Faulkner, W., Carradine, J., & Huston, A. (1958). A rose for Emily (pp. 170-179). Paderborn, De: Verlag F. Schöningh.

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