This week you will pretend that you have just been hired as a research consultant for the City of ______ (fill in the blank with a city of your choice). You have been asked to develop and administer a survey instrument that measures satisfaction with law enforcement. After you have read Chapter 7, answer the following questions:
1. What types of questions are you going to include in your survey instrument?
(Are you going to use open-ended or closed questions?)
2. Please provide examples of two questions you might include in this survey instrument.
3. How would you administer this survey?
(Face-to-face, using mail, using cellular phones, using the Internet, etc).
4. Would you include demographic questions (such as age, race, sex, annual income, level of education, etc.)?
If not, explain why not?
If so, would you include these questions at the beginning of your survey, at the end of your survey or in the middle of your survey?