Voice-Over PowerPoint Presentation – Planning for the Delivery of Culturally Sensitive Health Interventions and Programs

Voice-Over PowerPoint Presentation – Planning for the Delivery of Culturally Sensitive Health Interventions and Programs


  1. Create a voice-over PowerPoint presentation which includes the following elements:
    • Description of an incident, issue, or problem in health care influenced by race, class, gender, or other differences
    • Outline how these influences impact the issue
    • Describe your plan to address the situation through education, creation of a program, or other intervention
    • Include the content of the education or program, or specifics about the intervention, including how you would implement, associated costs (do not need dollar amounts, just what components would generate costs) and an idea for funding and evaluation
    • Present this proposal to your administrator in the PowerPoint presentation
    • Include at least three scholarly resources to support your work
  2. You may use either the SUNY Empire PowerPoint template or another of your choosing. There are many tutorials available with a simple google search for creating a voice-over PowerPoint.
  3. Optional tutorial for PowerPoint in APA format: APA Formatting for PowerPoint: How to Apply APA Style to PowerPoint Presentations. Accurate captions

This activity is tied to:

  • Course Objective 2: Analyze the role that complex networks of social structures and systems play in the creation and perpetuation of the dynamics of power, privilege, oppression, and opportunity, and how these influence health disparities
  • Course Objective 4: Reliably demonstrate the fundamentals of cross-cultural communication, and the planning and delivery of culturally competent health interventions and programs