The impact of Artificial intelligence on Business Processes

Part II:As a researcher deeply intrigued by blockchain technology, smart contracts, and the international commodity market, I am compelled to explore the groundbreaking opportunity presented by the tokenization of copper. While my focus area revolves around copper, I also recognize the broader implications of this technology across other commodities. However, the unique dynamics of the copper market, its challenges in liquidity, and the potential for transformation through tokenization motivate my dedication to this specific area of study.

The need to learn more about this opportunity is driven by the potential to revolutionize the copper market and the broader implications for the entire commodity trading landscape. Through my dissertation, I aim to advance the science behind the tokenization of copper by uncovering practical insights, identifying challenges, and proposing innovative solutions. By doing so, I hope to contribute to understanding the specific implications of tokenization in the copper market and the broader academic and practical understanding of blockchain technology and smart contracts in the context of commodities.

While my primary focus will undoubtedly be on the tokenization of copper, the knowledge and insights gained from this research could have far-reaching implications for other commodities, thus underscoring this study’s significance and potential impact. Therefore, this dissertation represents a unique opportunity to contribute to the practical and academic advancement of the copper market and shape the future of commodity trading through blockchain technology and smart contracts (Bacina, M., 2023, April 14).

Problem Statement:

A problem statement should address the specific challenges or gaps in understanding the application of this technology in the copper market in the context of tokenizing copper to create liquidity and improve supply chain accessibility through smart contracts.

Reviewing the literature on the tokenization of copper to create liquidity and enhance supply chain accessibility through the implementation of smart contracts, I am confronted with the limited understanding of many, the comprehensive understanding by a few, and empirical evidence regarding the practical application and implications of this novel approach. While the literature on blockchain technology and smart contracts in various industries is burgeoning, a noticeable gap exists in the specific application of these technologies to the international commodity market, especially within the domain of copper. Existing research lacks a thorough analysis of the challenges, opportunities, and real-world impact of implementing tokenization and smart contracts to address liquidity issues and improve supply chain accessibility in the copper market.

The current body of literature fails to provide a comprehensive framework for evaluating the effectiveness of tokenization and smart contracts in addressing specific supply chain challenges unique to the copper industry. There is a pressing need for empirical studies and case analyses that delve into the practical implementation of smart contracts for tracking, verifying, and executing global copper transactions, while also considering the regulatory, technological, and market-specific factors that influence the success of such implementations.

The identified gaps in the literature underscore the necessity for a focused and comprehensive investigation into applying tokenization and smart contracts to create liquidity and improve supply chain accessibility in the copper market. Addressing these gaps is crucial for advancing academic knowledge and providing actionable insights to drive practical industry adoption and regulatory development in this emerging study area.

By presenting this problem statement, the dissertation can effectively articulate the specific area of focus within the broader topic of tokenizing copper while highlighting the gaps in the existing literature or research (Ali, A., & Pandya, S., 2021).



Question for Class: What are the potential implications of the identified gaps in the existing literature on the practical application of the research topic in real-world scenarios?




Hill, C. (2022). International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace (14th ed.). McGraw-Hill Higher Education (US).


Ali, A., & Pandya, S. (2021). A Four Stage Framework for the Development of a Research Problem Statement in Doctoral Dissertations. International Journal of Doctoral Studies16(1), 469–485.


Bacina, M. (2023, April 14). Blockchain Bites: Citi: Tokenisation is blockchain’ “killer use” case, CFTC calls crypto “commodities” in Binance case, Debates over DAO governance, New EU AML rules for unhosted wallets. Mondaq Business Briefing.

Initial post: # 2 The Doctoral Research Study Journey

Respond to post #2 AngN

Part II – Topics

  • The impact of Artificial intelligence on Business Processes

Ogigau-Neamtiu, F. (2021). The advantages of integrating artificial intelligence in business processes. Journal of Defense Resources Management.

  • Cloud computing security and privacy concerns

Ait Ouahman, A. (2014). Security and privacy issues in cloud computing. Journal of Defense Resources Management5(2), 99+.

  • Technology and Gender Equality

Phillips, M. J. (2024). Empowering undergraduate women in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine: exploring experiences, fostering motivation, and advancing gender equity. Social Sciences

Part III – Challenges and mitigations

Time management – will be critical, as I usually feel “entitled” to take it easy after a long day at work. I plan to dedicate a few hours daily to coursework, more on the weekends.

Practical research methods and quality materials relevant to the topics – there is no shortcut to this. I will diligently research, spend the time to data mine, and write down my thoughts to capture what would or would not work.

The final topic chosen for my dissertation – I have not put much work into it. I plan to do this later this year after I complete the rest of the didactic courses. Unfortunately, I registered for the wrong, more advanced course than anticipated. I am unsure if I can be placed into a lower-level RCH course a week into the term, but if not, I will do my best and push through.

Question for the class

Do you think AI will take over most jobs operated by humans?