Make-up Routine

Make-up Routine

I have different make-up routines, which depends on the occasion. I prefer sticking to simple make-up routines that are not time consuming. It takes time and a lot of experimentation before an individual realizes the best way to apply make-up. This is unless one visits a dermatologist who may recommend the right products and the correct way of applying them. The following is a simple make-up routine that I follow when going to work.

The first item I consider is the foundation. I apply this because my skin is dry. Foundation should be applied using a light brush, rather than applying it using hands. Initially, one should use fingers to dab it in four areas of the face, and then use the brush blend it carefully. On the forehead, one should move the brush back and forth while on the cheeks it is advisable to move the brush downwards. Another important item on my list is the sunscreen. One should apply sunscreen irrespective of whether the cream applied contains a sun protector factor. It is important to apply sunscreen on the face as well as the neck region.

After applying sunscreen, next is the concealer. The concealer is best applied with a light touch of moisturizer to avoid feeling cakey around the eyes. A soft brush helps to smooth the concealer in all areas. However, it is advisable to use a finger to dab the concealer under the eyes to give it the perfect finish. The concealer should match one’s skin tone. The next item is powder. It is advisable to apply powder using a small soft brush using a circular motion. This enables it to become buffered into the skin. The last item is bronzer, which should be applied using a large fluffy brush.