Economic Transformation in China

International Business and Global Strategy

Economic Transformation in China

The People’s Republic of China was established as a socialist state with a centrally planned economy. It is now considered a mixed economy. Research China’s mixed economy and write a scholarly paper which addresses the following:

  • How would you describe China’s economy prior to the market-based reforms of the 1980s and 1990s? This system failed to deliver rising living standards to the bulk of China’s population. Why?
  • Describe China’s current economic system. How does China’s economy during the 1990s differ from today’s economy? What are the benefits of this system? What are the potential drawbacks?
  • Would China be better or worse off, economically, if it privatized more of its substantial state-owned sector? Explain.
  • Do you think the Chinese enterprises that received substantial funds at below-market interest rates from state-owned banks, such as Huawei, should be allowed to compete in international markets against private companies that received no such assistance? What policy remedies, if any, would you suggest here?

Your paper must be at least five full pages in length excluding the title and reference pages. You must include at least four scholarly sources in your assignment. One source can be the course textbook. The paper must be in the APA format, include a title/cover page, in-text citations, and a properly formatted reference section.

You do not need to include an abstract for this assignment