Discuss Dimensions of Quality,Cost of Quality,Six Sigma,ISO,Quality tools


1.Dimensions of Quality

2.Cost of Quality

3.Six Sigma


5.Quality tools

Operation Management

Dimensions of quality

There are a total of eight dimensions of quality which are employed in quality management. The first dimension of quality is performance. Performance concerns the primary operating characteristics of a particular product. The second dimension is features. This refers to the extra characteristics of a product that add to its appeal. The third dimension is known as reliability which refers to dependability of the product in terms of performance. Conformance is the fourth dimension of quality. This refers to the degree to which the product meets outlined standards. The fifth dimension durability which relates to the product life. Serviceability is the next dimension which refers to several aspects of product maintenance. The seventh dimension is aesthetics which refers to the kind of feelings the product evokes upon users. The last dimension of quality is perceived quality which refers to attributable quality of a product by consumers (Griffin, 2015).

Six Sigma

Six Sigma refers to process improvement that aims for near perfection of products in the manufacturing process. This approach aims at eliminating defects through a structured problem-solving methodology that is data driven. The Six Sigma approach aims at achieving six standard deviations between the closest specification limit and the mean. This means that there should be no more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities in a process. Six Sigma improvement uses five phases of product improvement known as DMAIC (George, 2005). This product improvement system refers to: define, measure, analyze, improve, and control. In development of new products, the Six Sigma DMADV process is employed. This refers to: define, measure, analyze, design, and verify.


ISO is an acronym for international Organizational for Standardization, the body responsible for developing and publishing international standards. The standards developed by ISO ensure that various products are not only safe for consumption by the public but also to ensure they meet the minimum outlined quality threshold. ISO standards are important in business since they help in cost reduction through cutting on waste and errors, and by generally improving productivity.


George, M. L. (2005). The Lean Six Sigma pocket toolbook: A quick reference guide to nearly     100 tools for improving process quality, speed, and complexity. New York, N.Y:            McGraw-Hill.

Griffin, R. (2015). Fundamentals of Management. Boston: Cengage Learning.