Debate about police and civilian


Prepare to participate in a debate on the following topic: Should police departments train sworn police officers to complete financial reports and prepare budgets or hire civilian personnel for these tasks? Do civilians have enough knowledge of policing to properly prepare good budgets addressing policing needs? Can sworn officers fulfill this task without proper degrees/education?

Part I

Create an outline supporting your position. You should include a minimum of 5 points and each point should be fully supported with sub points.

Part II

Create an outline countering your original position. You should have a minimum of 5 points and each point should be fully supported with sub points.

Sample paper

Debate about police and civilian

Part I


Title: Debate about police and civilian

Background information. Most police departments receive funds from the governments annually. In order to make the best out of these funds, they need to prepare budgets which enable them to carry their work smoothly without running short of resources. At the end of the financial year, financial reports are prepared to show how the funds were used and whether it tallies with the budget. The debate discusses who should prepare the budget and the financial reports between the police department and civilians. The departments should have their police officers prepare budgets and financial reports.

Thesis statement: police departments should have sworn officer whose responsibility is to prepare the budget and financial statements since they are aware of the needs of the department, this would save resources, classified information would not be revealed to the public, it is an empowering move and it is the most effective method.



  1. The police officers are aware of the needs in their job so they should have sworn police officers preparing the budgets and financial reports.
  2. Resources allocated to the departments are limited. A police officer knows the areas where the funds are needed most.
  3. They know the dynamics of crime.
  • There is an added advantage of their experience as police officers.
  1. Resources are not wasted
  2. The police officers who prepare the budgets are already on the payroll.
  3. Hiring a civilian would adds on the amount of money used yet it does not contribute in fighting crime.
  • Since resources are already scarce, all the funds would be channeled in police work.
  1. Classified information is not disclosed to civilians.
  2. There is no assurance that crucial information would not be revealed to the public if a civilian is hired to prepare the budget and financial reports
  3. Criminals cannot get hold of any information
  • The fight against crime is effective.
  1. When police officers prepare their budgets and financial reports, they are empowered.
  2. Police officers have firsthand experience on the benefits of having an education.
  3. This encourages other officers to seek education in different fields.
  4. It is effective.
  5. It saves time.
  6. The budgets can be made flexible at a faster pace to suit current needs.


  1. Summary of the main points: When the police department has sworn officers to prepare budget and financial reports, the benefits realized include saving resources, police officers know the needs of the department best, classified information cannot be disclosed, it empowers the officers and it is more effective than having a civilian do it.
  2. The rising rates of crime require that resources are utilized in the best way possible.

Part II


Title: Debate about police and civilian

Background information. Most police departments receive funds from the governments annually. In order to make the best out of these funds, they need to prepare budgets which enable them to carry their work smoothly without running short of resources. At the end of the financial year, financial reports are prepared to show how the funds were used and whether it tallies with the budget. The debate discusses who should prepare the budget and the financial reports between the police department and civilians. Civilians are the best in handling budgets and reports.

Thesis statement: the police department should hire civilians to prepare their budgets and financial statements since they have proper education, the police officers are able to engage in their work, it keeps the officers on their toes, enhances productivity and it encourages diversity in the department.



  1. Civilians have the proper education.
  2. Professionals produce the best results.
  3. Chances of having mistakes are very low
  • They do not have other duties which they would neglect while preparing budgets and financial statements.
  1. Gives the police officers to do their job.
  2. Allows police officers to concentrate on law enforcement and fighting crime.
  3. Most police departments have been laying off police officers due to decreased funding. This means there is not enough personnel.
  • Allows the police officers to deliver since they are not burdened with many responsibilities.
  1. It keeps the police officers on toes with their work.
  2. The public is able to assess the performance of the department.
  3. Civilians can assist the police to fight crime if they are impressed by their performance.
  4. It enhances productivity.
  5. A lot of time is saved and channeled in the right direction.
  6. The civilians and the police officers brin effectiveness in the department.
  7. Encourages diversity.
  8. The police department benefits from the contribution of other professionals other than just the sworn police officers.
  9. It encourages peace


  1. Summary of the main points: the police department should allow civilians to prepare budgets and financial statements since they are professionals, the police officers can concentrate of law enforcement, civilians can assess the performance of the department, there is increased productivity and diversity is enhanced.
  2. As the number of sworn police officers diminishes, there is need to have civilians to assist in the administrative duties.

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