Creation perspective Reflection Paper

Reflection Paper

A creation perspective refers to the conceptualization that a Supreme Being created the universe and everything in it. The creation perspective ascribes to the Biblical account of creation. The creationist perspective holds that the universe is only thousands of years old (Psarris, 2013). Secular views indicate that the universe formed on itself and without a creator billions of years ago. General revelation refers to God’s self-disclosure by use of a mediator and found in the natural order of the world. Special revelation refers to self-disclosure through a contiguous and supernatural mode. The relationship between special and general revelation is that they are the unique ways that God chose to reveal himself to humankind. The two represent the specific ways that men can interpret evidence from a creationist perspective.

Difference between scientific data and scientific interpretations

There is a key difference between scientific data and scientific interpretations. Scientific data refers to the set of information that is collected using scientifically proven methods and for the specific purpose of analyzing something (Morris, 2007). On the other hand, scientific interpretations refer to the use of scientific data to explain a particular phenomenon. Scientific interpretations may apply assumptions in interpreting data. Nonetheless, scientific interpretations should match the given data as much as possible (Morris, 2007). An example of scientific data is the observation that short period comets that orbit the sun lose some of their mass on each swing. An example of scientific interpretation basing on this data is that the solar system is relatively young, contrary to assertions that it is billions of years old. One can also make the scientific interpretation that young comets keep coming from outer space and begin orbiting the sun.

The scientific method holds that for information to be regarded as useful or valid in science, it should be empirically verifiable. The scientific method is committed to the use of observations in order to draw valid conclusions. The scientific method holds that for every scientific statement, there should be a way of verifying or falsifying it (Detwiler, 2016). In other words, there should be a way of testing whether a particular hypothesis is wrong or right. Scientific method is important since it ensures that scientists follow a particular method (observation) while making scientific statements. A key limitation of the scientific method is that not everything in the physical world can be observed or be explained in a logical way. A specific example of this is the “Starlight” presentation on the speed of light. While scientists assert that the speed of light is 186,282 miles per second, the one-way speed of light is not yet known. For instance, it might be that light travels faster on the initial trip than during the round trip.


Detwiler, C. (2016). Science As a Way of Knowing [Course Handout]. Retrieved             from

Morris, J. D. (2007). The young Earth: The real history of the Earth, past, present, and future.     Retrieved from         past-present-and-future/oclc/892430369

Presentation. “Starlight”.

Psarris, S. (2013). What You Aren’t Being Told About Astronomy, Volume 1: Our Created Solar             System.

