

Throughout the past modules/weeks, the course has incorporated some creation resources, including the DVD What You Aren’t Being Told About Astronomy, Volume 1: Our Created Solar System. You may have watched portions of the DVD multiple times as we have moved into our textbook discussions of the solar system. Mainstream secular astronomy is going to interpret data to fit a naturalistic worldview, resulting in conclusions such as the Big Bang theory and the nebular hypothesis. It is important for you to see that when you approach the same data with a biblical worldview, you can come to very different conclusions.

In no fewer than 250 words, discuss the 1 or 2 chapters of the DVD you found most helpful or interesting. Use the following steps when composing your thread:
• Identify the topic.
• Briefly summarize the main points.
• Explain how the content was valuable to you in terms of understanding a creationist perspective.

Should you decide to discuss 2 chapters, repeat these steps for the second chapter, but do not discuss more than 2. While there may have been some things that could have been done better, more clearly, or differently in the DVD, the purpose of this particular Discussion Board Forum is not to offer your critique or criticism. What did you find that was helpful or interesting from the DVD?

Sample paper



Psarris (2013) examines nebular theory, the most rational explanation of how the solar system formed according to scientists, in relation to Venus. The goal is to identify whether this planet conforms to the claims of the nebular theory. Venus has high temperatures of about 900 Degrees Fahrenheit because its atmosphere is mainly carbon dioxide (green house gas). The evolution model propounds that Venus and Earth formed at the same time, same place, same materials, and through a similar process. However, as Psarris (2013) explains, Venus is very different from Earth. First, its surface is covered by lava flows and seems relatively young. Evolutionary model predicted that Venus’ surface would show evidence of billions of years of erosion and chemical weathering. None of this exists. While Earth is made up of tectonic plates, Venus does not have. Venus also lacks magnetic fields and moon, things that Earth does have. The explanation for lack of moon is weak – that an asteroid collided with Venus’ moon hence destroying the moon.


This planet takes about 84 Earth years to make a complete revolution around the sun. Uranus has unique poles in that instead of being at the top and bottom like all other planets, the poles are located on the sides. Evolutionists explain the phenomena by linking an asteroid collision with Uranus to its current pole position. However, there is no evidence for this. Uranus’ orbit around the sun is a perfect circle. Uranus’ orbit also lies closely within its ecliptic plane than any other planet on the solar system. It is impossible that a collision with an asteroid this huge could put the planet in an almost circular orbit around the sun. In addition, such a collision could not put the planet very close to its ecliptic plane. Uranus has rings and over two dozen moons orbiting around the planet’s equator (equator is in up and down position rather than sideways). According to Psarris (2013), it is extremely difficult to place all the moons in their current almost coplanar circular orbits. This could not have happened by random chance as scientists argue, but points to the work of an orderly Being.


Psarris, S. (2013). What You Aren’t Being Told About Astronomy, Volume 1: Our Created Solar             System.


Naked-Eye Astronomy