SpeedyWriters Posts



Successful AIS Implementation  Identify three to five (3-4) factors that contributed to the accounting information system failure within the business that you have identified. Indicate the impact to the business.…


Definition of motivation and job satisfaction theories The need theories were put forward by David McClelland. The theories attempt to rationalize how the need for achievement, affiliation and power impact…

Business & Finance homework help Business Assignment help


 Walmart marketing research paper Wal-Mart is a multinational retail corporation dealing in warehouse stores and discount departmental stores. The retail corporation has its headquarters in the United States, in the…


Information Needs for the AIS Accounting information system (AIS) is a computerized method of collecting, processing, storing, retrieving and distribution of accounting data to users in an organization. An information…



Accounting Finance homework help

Emerging Auditing Issues The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board The role of PCAOB in improving reliability of audited financial statements The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) is a non-profit…

Accounting Finance homework help