SpeedyWriters Posts

There are a number of questions and concerns raised in the reading on intelligence and delinquency. The first question regards the nature of study findings. The main concern here is…


Major Principles The life-course-persistent offenders’ theory classifies individuals into three groups. The first group comprises of non-offenders or people who do not engage in criminal activities. The second group comprises…


Introduction Learning environment is of critical significance to the student’s effort and motivation levels. The availability of learning resources, the physical resources and quality of teacher guidance determine student satisfaction…


The article by Andrews, Bonta, & Wormith (2006) examines the progress of risk assessment in the criminal justice field. The three examine progress of risk assessment based on fourth generation…


Question Write a reaction essay 1 Who Has The Body? The Paths To Habeas Corpus Reform by Cary Federman 2.Sex Offender Laws: Can Treatment, Punishment, Incapacitation, And Public Safety Be…



Introduction A large number of inmates convicted of various offenses encounter victimization in prisons or jails. Victimization in prison is a common occurrence across most of the prisons in the…




All children misbehave at times which is perfectly normal, but these misbehaviors should be in line with the age of the kids. However, there are times when the child’s behavior…
