In recent years, there has been an increase in awareness on the importance of education to many individuals and countries. As a result, federal and state governments in various regions are striving to ensure that most of the citizens if not all get a chance to learn and sharpen their skills to guarantee a better future. In fact, most individuals and governments believe that education is one of the pillars of a successful and developed community (Morrison, 2015.). However, for education to be effective and be administered to all individuals, it requires a collective effort from all stakeholders. Parents and the community are the largest stakeholders that should be involved in schooling matters as well as religion. Community involvement in schools is a process of engaging in a dialogue, active participation and collaboration between parents, schools and the community (Baquedano-López, 2013). On the other hand, religion involvement in education comprises of the process of the church and other religion to actively participate in the diffusion of skills and knowledge to learners. The religion can participate in school matters through prayers and celebration of various religious holidays. This essay will attempt to show how religion and community are involved in school matters.
Benefits of engaging parents and community as partners and stakeholders in education
I believe that when educators and schools recognize the benefits that are associated with engaging parents and community as partners and stakeholders, they will open the doors for them and this will make their work easier. By incorporating the efforts of the parents and the community, the educators stand a better position to enhance transparency and enrich the opportunities and chances for the children to experience success (Morrison, 2015.). Parents are usually regarded as the first teachers of the children because they are the first individuals to teach their children various aspects art an early age and thus their input in very important to ensure that whatever the children are taught in school they are implemented both at school and at home. On the other hand, I believe education and the participation of the parents are not enough, and there is the need to involve religion and prayers to excel both academically and spiritually in life. In the book of Joel chapter, 1 and verse three the Bible says that tell your sons about it, and let you sons tell their sons and their sons to the next generation (Maliepaard, 2013). This verse encourages parents and the church, in general, to tell their children of the gospel and other important aspects of life so that they can lead a better life and they can have a strong foundation on which to base their actions and decisions on and not lead astray.
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Engagement and involvement of parents and the community at large deepens the children’s and educators
I believe engagement and involvement of parents and the community at large deepens the children’s and educators understanding of the teaching and learning process and thus making it exciting and fruitful for all parties. Through the connection of the school and the community, the school fraternity enters into a dynamic community where there are all sorts of teaching materials ranging from school to home and churches or other religious places. With a lively and collaborative community, the students can make sense and attach meaning to the teachings that they receive in classes and religious places as they can attach meaning to what they are taught in classes, in churches, and at home (Policy., 2013). Moreover, the Bible supports the collaboration between various stakeholders as long as it has positive impacts on the lives of participants. In the book of Proverbs chapter 22 and verse 6, the Bible says that train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old; he will not depart from it. This clearly shows that parents, community and spiritual parents have a responsibility and an important part to play in educating the children to ensure that they lead a meaningful life, and sure enough, the children will not depart from these ways.
I believe the participation and involvement of parents, community and religion in education enhances the effectiveness of the teachings and improves the willingness of educators to enter into a genuine exploration of the students they serve. Creation of a good teaching environment between the parents and the children acts as a motivating factor to educators and the students to go an extra mile in the attempt to quench their quest of skills and knowledge. By seeking to understand the strengths, weakness, contexts and unique gifts, the educators have a good chance of finding ways to help the children to move to the next level in education. However, this cannot be successful without the help of both biological and spiritual parents as it involves the creation of a relationship with parents as they first teachers who have some degree of insight and understanding of the student (Stacer, 2013). Moreover, in the book of 1 Timothy chapter 5 verses eight the Bible says that a good and responsible parent must be one who manages his household well keeping children under control with all dignity. In the process of managing the house, parents can learn all the character traits, strength, and weaknesses and in turn, share with their teachers to ensure that the child is well managed and taken care of to create a responsible and hardworking father or a mother out of them. This clearly shows that education is not only learned in schools but also at home, and it requires a collective effort.
Successful community members can act as role models
I believe that successful members of the community act as role models to most students and their involvement in learning and welfare of the children acts as a motivating factor to them. All children and students have that one member of the society that they look up to, and they want to emulate, and their involvement in school activities gives the drive for them to work hard to be just like them. These successful and prominent individuals can be involved in school activities such as sponsoring the needy and bright children, giving motivational speeches as well as organizing contests to challenge these students to work hard and smart (Carrasquillo, 2013). In Colossians chapter 3 and verses 14, the Bible says that members of the community should live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. As a result, the successful and prominent individuals have an opportunity to help the community through association with the unlucky who may not have the means and power to educate their kids. Moreover, religions and churches are known to contribute towards the development of the community through the building of schools and sponsoring the needy children to have an opportunity to learn. This explanation shows the importance of unity and love among the involved parties.
I believe that parent and community involvement predicts children’s academic achievement even more than family characteristics such as education and family size. A strong parent component can strengthen the impact of any education program as the parent help to maintain the discipline of the children at home while the teachers do so at school. Discipline is one of the key factors for success not only in academics but also in life, and thus, parent participation ensures that he can control and uphold good discipline of his kids thus creating a conducive and friendly learning environment (Barton, 2012). In Ephesians chapter 6 verses 4, the Bible says that fathers should not provoke their children to anger but they should bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. In addition, he who withholds his rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him diligently. This scenario clearly shows that the parents have a key part to play in maintaining the discipline of their children, and this can help them achieve both academic and life successes (Thielman, 2010). But a parent who sleeps in his job will lead his children astray.
Educating children is a complex duty and responsibility of many
In conclusion, we can say that educating children is a complex duty and responsibility that cannot be conducted by single individual and requires dedication from every stakeholder. Community, parents, and the religion have a significant part to play in ensuring that the children are fully equipped to lead a good life. They all have a collective duty to give all children affirm base and foundation on which they can base their decision and activities. Surely teaching good and constructive behaviors to children at a tender will ensure that they have a meaningful life.
Baquedano-López, P. A. (2013). Equity issues in parental and community involvement in schools what teacher educators need to know. Review of Research in Education, 37(1), , 149-182.
Barton, D. &. (2012). Local literacies: Reading and writing in one community. . Routledge.
Carrasquillo, A. L. (2013). Parents and schools: A source book. Routledge.
Maliepaard, M. &. (2013). Parental religious transmission after migration: The case of Dutch Muslims. . Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 39(3), , 425-442.
Morrison, G. (. (2015.). Early childhood education today (13th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ.: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall. ISBN: 9780133436501.
Policy., C. V. (2013). Parents and teachers: Power and participation. Routledge.
Stacer, M. J. (2013). Parental involvement with children at school, home, and community. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 34(3), , 340-354.
Thielman, F. (2010). Ephesians. Grand Rapids^ eMI MI: Baker Academic.