Mitochondria, Water, Molecules, and Cell Structures


Mitochondria, Water, Molecules, and Cell Structures”

Note: Online students, please respond to one (1) of the following four (4) bulleted options.
•The cell is comprised of very important components including the mitochondria. Please view this video describing mitochondrial disease which is found here. Keep in mind that one of the symptoms of mitochondrial disease is fatigue (weak and tired). Next discuss two (2) functions of mitochondria and why you believe each of these functions is important. Then explain two (2) ways that the inability of mitochondria to perform their proper function can account for mitochondrial disease symptoms. Justify your response.

•Water is essential to life. Briefly discuss three (3) properties of water then explain what is meant by the structure of water accounting for each of its properties. Next choose one (1) of the properties of water below and explain two (2) ways the property can be useful for living systems. ?Cohesion
?High Specific Heat
?Floating Ice
?Good Solvent Properties
?Dissociation of water molecules

•Are you really what you eat? Many of us have heard the saying, “you are what you eat”. Please view the quick crash course on carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins here then describe the processes needed to distinguish whether a biological molecule is a carbohydrate, lipid, or protein. Next consider your daily intake of foods this week and note the various carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins you ingested. Discuss three (3) ways that your diet relates to the molecules of life and their function. Justify your response.

•Consider three (3) structures and functions of a cell then provide a 100 to 250 word explanation based on the following question: “How do varied membrane composition and the structural features of molecules in different cells contribute to membrane function?”


Mitochondria, Water, Molecules, and Cell Structures

Apart from being a good solvent for most of the substances, water has been found to be one of the essential components of all organisms as it is important for most of the biological processes in human. Therefore, water can be described as a source of life for most organisms. Some of the notable properties of water include:

  1. Cohesion – cohesion is widely regarded as the ability of the water to attract other water molecules. This polarity of water allows it to be attracted to another water molecule.

  2. Adhesion – adhesion is the ability of water to attract molecules of other properties. Research shows that water is attracted to any molecule, it can create hydrogen connections with.

  3. The lower density of ice – at cooler coldness, the hydrogen bonds of water atoms from ice stones. The hydrogen atoms of the water are more stable thus providing its ability to retain its stone-like shape (Lécuyer, 2014).

From the above properties, the structure of water can be defined as the crystalline structure that is substantially influenced by a single atom of oxygen that is covalently bonded to two hydrogen atoms thus giving it its cohesive and adhesive abilities.

Good Solvent Properties of water

Research has found out that water not only does it dissolve compounds, but also dissolve more substances than any other liquid. Biologists believe that water has and remain one of the important methods of transportation in living cells. According to them, water is used to carry sugars, amino acids, nucleic acids as well as proteins to different parts of a living system, considering that they can all dissolve in water (Pedreschi & Moyano, 2010). Notably, the water found in human blood is substantially used to transport oxygen to different parts of the body, thus becoming a source of life for most living organisms.


Lécuyer, C. (2014). Water: A Molecule Endowed with Extraordinary Physicochemical Properties. Water on Earth, 1-33. doi:10.1002/9781118574928.ch1

Pedreschi, F., & Moyano, P. (2010). Effect of Water Content on Physical Properties of Potato Chips. Water Properties in Food, Health, Pharmaceutical and Biological Systems: ISOPOW 10, 523-531. doi:10.1002/9780470958193.ch45

Define the term species then provide three (3) examples of different species