Behavioral Theory: Behavior Plan


Behavioral Theory: Behavior Plan

Resources: University of Phoenix Material: Individual Case Studies, University of Phoenix Material: Behavior Plan Template, and the ?Effective Treatment for Addicted Criminal Justice Clients? article located on the National Criminal Justice Reference Service website.

Use the ?Effective Treatment for Addicted Criminal Justice Clients? article as a sample for how to write a behavior plan. The ?Case Study? section near the end of the article provides a good example of a behavior plan.

Choose one behavioral theory from your course textbook.

Choose one of the following case studies from the University of Phoenix Material: Individual Case Studies:

Case One: Violet
Case Two: Max
Case Three: Onur

Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Behavior Plan Template based on your selected behavioral theory for your selected case-study patient?Violet, Max, or Onur.Incorporate one peer-reviewed research study as justification for the theory you used in your plan.

Sample paper

Behavioral Theory: Behavior Plan


Client Identifying Information

List all pertinent and known identifying information.

Name Max Age Mid Thirties
Gender Male Religion Not Specified.

Describe all pertinent and known history.

Medical No terminal illnesses
Family Single. No other details about family are mentioned
Substance Abuse None
Developmental and Social Social person with a great personality.

Has weird sexual behavior.

Course of Treatment

List two target behaviors and two interventions.

Target Behaviors 1.Max should come up with a career plan 2. Max should not have multiple sexual partners.
Frequency and Duration of Target Behaviors 1. Max should be consistent in his jobs and should not change jobs unless he gets a better deal. 2.Max should choose one partner with whom he can build a long lasting relationship
Severity and Number of Relapses 1. If Max changes jobs twice in 6 months, an action will be taken against him. 2. If he has more than one partner in a year, a legal action will be taken.
Interventions 1. Max can show that he has changed by reporting to the criminal justice system accompanied by a representative from his employer. In addition, he should present a certificate of good conduct to his employer every six months. 2. Max together with his partner should attend therapy sessions to help him adopt positive behavior.

Goals and Objectives

List two long-term goals, two short-term goals, and one objective to work towards each goal.

Long-Term Goal         i.            To help Max realize the importance of having a good character.

ii.            To help Max realize that multiple sexual relationships could be the reason for his depression and can cause other chronic illnesses.

Short-Term Goal         i.            Max should stop thinking about illicit sexual practices.

ii.            Max should understand that there are agencies that can help him become the entrepreneur he wants to be

iii.            Max should come up with a career plan.

Objectives 1.      Max’s treatment method should include behavioral modification techniques.

2.      At least six counseling sessions should be included in behavioral therapy.

3.      Max should not misuse his job as a salesman to attract women.

4.      Max should understand that all professions are equally important.

5.      Max’s employer should apply operant conditioning to punish him when he behaves unethically (Jones-Smith, 2012).

6.      Max should understand that the foundation of the society is based on beliefs and values.

7.      Max should understand that it is vital to grow spiritually.

Discharge and Termination Plans

Describe the discharge and termination plan for the client.

Discharge Plan In order to succeed as an ethical salesman, Max should have a career plan. He should be rewarded if for six months of working as a salesman, he does perform well and does not engage in unethical sexual relationships. He should also maintain a good and ethical relationship with fellow group members and should only engage in constructive conversations regarding career plans and behavior change. Max can only be released if behavior modification tests ascertain that he has reformed in line with the goals and objectives. After his release, he should report to the concerned authorities for the next two years for regular checkups.
Termination Plan If Max assaults women in his line of work, punishment should be continued. In addition, if he does not show any positive change after several training sessions, the treatment should be discontinued.



Jones-Smith, E. (2012). Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy: An Integrative Approach. LA: Sage Publications

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