Assignment 5: Disaster Recovery Plan

Information Technology Risk Management



Chapters:  Chapter 15: Mitigating Risk with a Computer Incident Response Team

Review Lecture



Information systems security & assurance series

Jones & Barlett Learning

Managing Risk in Information Systems – Darril Gibson-second edition




Please list all references.

Cover page is not needed.

Number of pages needed: 10 for section 1+ two pages for disaster recovery plan template with total: 12 Pages (section 2)

There are two sections for this assignment.

Thank you



Assignment 5: Disaster Recovery Plan

This assignment consists of two (2) sections: a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP), and a written DRP analysis. You must submit both sections as separate files for the completion of this assignment. Label each file name according to the section of the assignment it is written for. Additionally, you may create and /or assume all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.

Acme National Bank of America (ANBA) has branches in Miami, FL, Detroit, MI, New York, NY, Los Angeles, CA, Denver, CO, St. Louis, MO, and Atlanta, GA. Each branch has workstations or terminals that are connected to a central data center located in Chicago, IL. Each branch also has local servers and desktop computers that are not connected to the central data center.
Senior management is concerned about the following potential events that could affect the operations of ANBA. The events include:

  • Malfunctioning software
  • Workstations and servers malfunctions
  • Failed hard drives
  • Large-scale natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes
  • Office fires
  • Computer virus outbreaks
  • Power outages caused by winter storm
  • Terrorist attacks

Section 1: Disaster Recovery Plan

  1. Download the DRP template CIS527_A5_W9_ANBA-DRP.docx. Modify the template to create a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) for ANBA. Provide appropriate and accurate information for the areas outlined in the DRP template. ( THIS TEMPALTE IS IN THE BOTTOM OF THIS DOCUMENT)

Section 2: Disaster Recovery Plan Analysis

2. Write 10 pages paper in which you:

  1. Describe the main objectives of the ANBA DRP.
  2. Explain the key ways that ANBA’s DRP can help mitigate risk in the organization.
  3. Defend the need for DRPs in an enterprise organization such as ANBA.
  4. Infer on the difference between the elements of DRP between different branches of a multinational organization.
  5. Use at least two (2) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Create a disaster recovery plan (DRP) based on the findings of a given risk assessment for an organization.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in IT risk management.
  • Write clearly and concisely about topics related to IT risk management using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.















Acme National Bank of America (ANBA)-2015

Enterprise Disaster Recovery Plan


Event Type: <Enter the event type, e.g. fire, earthquake, etc.>

Written By: <Enter your name here>

Disaster Recovery Plan

Date: [Enter the Date]

Unit: [Branch name]

General Information

The following person is our primary crisis manager. If the person is unable to manage the crisis, the person below will succeed in management.
Primary emergency contact Secondary emergency contact
Telephone number Telephone number
Alternative number Alternative number
E-mail E-mail


The following people will participate in emergency planning and crisis management.


The following is the primary processing site for our information resources. If the primary site becomes unavailable, the following alternate site will be used.
Building Building
Street address Street address
City, state, zip code City, state, zip code
Telephone number Telephone number


The primary copy of this plan will be stored in the following location.

An up-to-date copy of this plan will be stored in the following off-site location.

Critical Services

The following are our critical services, the administrators of these services, and the location of the business impact analysis and backup and recovery policy for each.

Service name


Location of Business Impact Analysis
Location of Backup and Recovery Policy


Service name


Location of Business Impact Analysis
Location of Backup and Recovery Policy


Service name


Location of Business Impact Analysis
Location of Backup and Recovery Policy


Service name


Location of Business Impact Analysis
Location of Backup and Recovery Policy


Service name


Location of Business Impact Analysis
Location of Backup and Recovery Policy





In the event of a disaster, we will communicate with our staff in the following ways:

In the event of a disaster, we will notify our users in the following ways:

In the event of a disaster, the following external people or groups will be notified:


Vendor Contact Information (Provide information on vendors needed – determine how many will be needed – add if more than 3 will be needed)

Company name
Street address


Zip code

Account number
Account manager name



Technical support contact




Company name
Street address


Zip code

Account number
Account manager name



Technical support contact




Company name
Street address


Zip code

Account number
Account manager name



Technical support contact





Employee Contact Information

Employee name
Home phone

Cell phone

Employee name
Home phone

Cell phone


Employee name
Home phone

Cell phone



Employee name
Home phone

Cell phone



Employee name
Home phone

Cell phone



Employee name
Home phone

Cell phone






Annual Review

We will review and update this disaster plan in



Department head or chair. Technical manager or lead.
Signature Signature
Printed name Printed name
Date Date