What is an agile Mis infrastructure?

What is an agile Mis infrastructure? 

Agile Mis infrastructure is the action of making data and resources available to users within an organization.

Most organizations greatly depend on IT infrastructure to bring services and goods to their clients. To realize its full potential and increase productivity, an organization should optimize all the business operations. Agile MIS infrastructure aids the changes needed in business processes.

What is Mis

MIS stands for management information systems. It is the study of technology, organizations, and people and how they relate.

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What are the seven characteristics of an agile Mis infrastructure?

Below are seven characteristics of an agile Mis infrastructure:-


Its ability of the user to access certain resources and task-performing ability. Restrictions can be set on certain users while the administrator can have access to the system.


Availability in the world of business means the time in which the system must be up and running. An unavailable system cannot be useful. Some systems like internet service providers require High availability for continuous operations.


Companies are dynamic, and they undergo continuous changes. The system should be flexible to accommodate changes in the company and business without going down. We can think of a scenario where a company receives an order from a global customer, which had not been planned for before. The system in place should flex to accommodate a business change.


Portability is the ability of an application to be able to run on different devices and software platforms. Good systems are built to run on different devices like mobile phones, tablets, and computers. Most common operating systems run on Windows, Linux, etc.


It ability of a system to perform its functions accurately and give users reliable information they need. Accurate information means that the tasks performed have no error.


This is another important characteristic of an agile Mis infrastructure. It refers to how the system can be upgraded or scale up to meet organizations growing demands. We can also define scalability of the system as the ability to increase production and meet customer’s needs.


This is the ability of the system to comprehend user needs. A good system should be easy and efficient to use designed in a way that it is user-friendly.

Which of the following is a benefit of a solid Mis infrastructure?

There are several key benefits of a solid Mis infrastructure. They include the following:-

  • Reduce operation costs
  • Increase or improve productivity.
  • Optimize organization business operations
  • Prevent the system from failures or crushes.


Agile Mis infrastructure should help an organization realize its goals in the business operations. It should also scale depending on changes in business operations.

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