Agency Mission and Vision

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Agency Mission and Vision
How are an agency’s mission and vision different?
An agency’s mission statement addresses the question of “What do we do?” In essence, the mission statement identifies how the agency will get to where it wants to be, that is, the mission statement defines the purpose and primary objectives related to customer needs and organizational values.
An agency’s vision is different in that it outlines “Where do we aim to be?” An agency’s vision statement communicates both purpose and values of the agency by focusing on the inspiration necessary for the success of the agency in the future.
Health care administrators need to pay special attention to their agency’s mission and vision statements to ensure that the development of a marketing plan clearly articulates and differentiates the opportunities afforded by the agency to its target population. As mentioned previously, differentiating the services and health-related programs offered by one health care agency versus another triggers competition and differentiates the types of services offered within the health care delivery landscape.
For this Assignment, select a health agency that will support the health service for your target population selected in Week 2 (Mental Health Service). Identify and review the agency’s mission and vision statements. Reflect on how the agency’s mission and vision may help inform the marketing plan you will develop for the health service and target population you have selected.
Note: The completion of this Assignment will consist of the elements necessary for Component 2 of your Final Project.
The Assignment
• Provide a description of the health agency for which you will develop your marketing plan.
• Describe the agency’s mission and vision statements.
• Explain how your marketing plan supports the agency’s mission and vision.
Please be sure to utilize the assigned resources to support your Assignment.