Working at Wendy


The Norton Reader: “Working at Wendy’s” Brent Staples, pp. 29; Respond to question #2; “The Battle of the Ants,” Henry David Thoreau, pp. 456; Respond to question #1

Sample paper

Working at Wendy

The author vividly explains his experience at Wendy working place by using adjectives that explains the characters of most of his co-workers. One of my favorite descriptions is where the author describes the nineteen years old boy who is washing the dishes. According to the author, the boy is skinny and brown-haired Asian looking boy. Through this description, the reader can create a mental picture of the person the author is talking about, and this makes the reader feel like he is part and parcel of the story (Peterson, 2012). Moreover, these descriptions make it easy for the reader to fully understand the worker and to make sure that the boy is not confused with any other employee who might be washing the dishes at Wendy’s.

The battle of the ants

In the essay, Henry uses Latin terminologies to stress his message across to his readers particularly because the ants are given the powers of human beings. Some other examples of such illusion in the essay include where every ant is compared to Buttrick –“fire! For God’s sake fire!” to show the ants were encouraging each in the field. This is meant to show the reader how each group of the ant both red and black was dedicated to fighting and win the battle. Moreover, the author says that he watched a couple that was fast locked in each other’s embraces prepared to fight till the sun went down or life went out of them (Peterson, 2012). This clearly shows how the battle was intense and serious.  Besides, he compares the ants to Greek soldiers who were dedicated to winning to the extent that they buried their fallen soldiers and left the enemies to be eaten by birds.


Peterson, L. H. (2012). The Norton Reader: An Anthology of Nonfiction. WW Norton & Company.


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