Work and Society


?Organisational culture is generally masculine-biased and women are disadvantaged by male-gendered organisational culture.? To what extent would you agree (or disagree) with this appraisal?

Sample paper

Work and Society

In recent years, campaigns focusing on more equal participation of women within the corporate world have been embraced worldwide. However, it is still a global phenomenon that in the corporate management positions are made up of a larger number of male members than their female counterparts. (European Commission, 2013) Consequently, a political debate has come up internationally regarding how to improve the share of women in managerial positions. It has resulted in the introduction of female quota legislation.

Though the voluntary measure preventing discrimination has raised mixed evidence, it is clear integration of women in critical decision making within companies highlights an increase in their financial performance (Campbell, 2008). Although highlighted as a means to competitive advantage, the exclusion of women from positions of power has become not only a means of competitiveness but also question of social justices and gender equality. In most, if not all organization the CEOs are making gender diversity a priority by setting standards to achieve. Time and money factor are highly spent in an aim to build a robust pipeline of upwardly mobile women, but less is happening with the organization.

The challenge arising from the approaches is the definition of women leadership within the organizations. Leadership requires more than taking up a role, acquisition of a new skill and adoption of one`s style to fit a role requirement. It involves a fundamental identification shift, not only for seeing oneself but also evident to others. Policies and practices in most organizations are being undermined, women are being asked to seek the leadership roles while there still exists a mismatch on how women are seen and the qualities and experiences leaders are associated with (Ibarra, 2013).

The human resource department in any organization plays a significant role in balancing gender roles. The workplace referent as an inhospitable place is cropping up due to the fact of multiple gender inequalities on women in the workplace. The social, economic status on women is largely lowered within this groups of companies as discrimination affects women earnings and opportunities. Increasing the gap further is the sudden death of women leadership and a longer time framework needed by women as compared to men in the advancement of their careers. The Human Resource Department policies and decision-making ability is, therefore, a contributory factor in the discrimination of women in the workplace. Sexist comments are also discriminative and a common occurrence among workmates, a form known as personal discrimination that affects both psychological and physical health of individuals.

It is thus evident that the organizational culture is masculine-biased and male-gendered organizational culture disadvantages women. The fact that I highly agree with as the learning cycle with the organization and society is in disruption through gender discrimination. To seal the social vacuum of gender discrimination a woman’s motivation to lead must be fully supported. Motivation on that level increases the likelihood of others recognizing and encouraging her efforts. The pipeline solution on the gender bias problem has become ineffective, and although traditional mentoring, training and educational based program are necessary, they have become insufficient in modern organizations setting (Ely, 2011). The modern women in the organization and society to overcome the gender bias has to streamline her actions towards a gain of a leadership sense, recognition as a leader and ultimately success as a leader.


Campbell, K., and Minguez-Vera, A., 2008. Gender diversity in the boardroom and firm financial performance. Journal of business ethics,, 83(3), pp.435-451.

Ely, R., Ibarra, H. and Kolb D., 2011. Taking gender into account: Theory and design for women’s leadership development programs. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 10(3),  pp.474-493.

European Commission, 2013. Women and Men in Leadership Positions in the European Union. s.l.:European Union.

Ibarra, H., Ely. R. and Kolb, D., 2013. Women rising: The unseen barriers. Harvard Business Review, 91(9), pp.60-66..