Option A:
Consider the following scenario:
A cosmetic company uses rabbits to test the irritancy levels of its products eyes for the purposes of making nonirritating cosmetics for women who will use such products. Large doses are injected into eyes and the test is painful.
In one paragraph, answer the following:
Is such testing ethical?
Using ethical theory, explain why you feel the use of animal testing for cosmetics is ethical or not. Also using ethical theory, explain the reasoning for the opposing position and why it is incorrect.
Option B:
The increased demand of palm oils in prepared foods has encouraged the mass destruction of rainforest in Indonesia for the purpose of planting palm tree plantations. The loss of rainforest threatens the ecosystem and many animal species.
In one paragraph, answer the following:
Should a consumer avoid purchasing products made with palm oil?
Using ethical theory, explain why you feel the use of palm oil is ethical or not. Also using ethical theory, explain the reasoning for the opposing position and why it is incorrect.
Ethical theory is an attempt to explain and understand the concept of morality. Ethical theory concerns the philosophical examination of moral issues or dilemmas (Waluchow, 2003). In option A, it is ethical for the cosmetics company to use rabbits to test the irritancy levels of its cosmetics products. From a legal dimension of moral ethics, it is ethical for the cosmetics company to test irritancy level of its products using rabbits. The legal dimension is also known as deontological ethics. This is because testing the irritancy level using rabbits does not violate any of the laws of the country. The morality of an action depends on the various dimensions of ethics. Thus, an action may be ethical in one dimension while judging it from a different dimension the action may be unethical. The opposing position is that testing irritancy level using rabbits is unethical, and hence the cosmetics company should scrap such testing methods. This is in line with hedonism theory that advocates for minimal pain. It is morally wrong to cause intentional suffering to an animal. Animals should be treated with care since they also experience pain. From a moral viewpoint, human beings should take care of animals and avoid causing any form of harm. According to Waluchow (2003), some philosophers believe that moral judgments do not need any form of justification.
Waluchow, W. J. (2003). The dimensions of ethics: An introduction to ethical theory. Peterborough, Ont: Broadview Press