Purposes and Benefits of induction both individuals and organisation


  • Explain 3 purposes of induction
  • Explain 3 benefits of induction to individuals
  • Explain 3 benefits of induction to your organisation
  • Prepare a 12 week induction programme in table format, for a new HR Administrator. Describe everything they need to learn, know and do, and which roles, teams and functions they need to meet, in order to be effective.  In doing so you should include the following:
  • The first week should be broken down into days
  • 2 activities in every time period
  • Show how progress will be monitored. Each activity must include a method of assessment, who will assess it and when.

Sample paper 

Purposes of induction

Induction programs play a critical role in the organization. One of the key roles of induction is to familiarize new employees with the policies and procedures of the organization. New employees have numerous requirements relating to the organization which can only be addressed through induction. Induction programs provide new employees with an understanding of the organization’s vision and goals. This enables them fit with the rest in the organization. Secondly, induction helps employees understand their new roles better during job changes. When employees are promoted or change jobs, induction programs are implemented to help the employees achieve a smooth transition. Often during job changes, the employee is confronted by new challenges he/she may not be able to solve. The induction program prepares the employee in advance of the problems to anticipate in the new position. Lastly, induction enables employees to keep abreast with new technological advancements. New work patterns keeps on emerging driven by changes in technology. Employees may find themselves having to take up new roles as a result of these changes. Induction programs can help employees learn new techniques as technology evolve. The induction program should enhance confidence and ensure that employees are motivated in line with the new roles

Benefits of induction to individuals.

There are a number of benefits individuals may realize from an induction program. To start with, individuals receive internal work motivation. Induction enables employees to attach meaning to their work and to clearly understand what is required of them. This significantly increases their motivation. Secondly, employees who pass through an induction program are likely to be generally satisfied with their work. This is because they are aware of what they are expected to achieve or what is expected of them by the management. Lastly successful induction programs lead to higher job involvement among individuals. During induction, individuals learn to work in teams and develop positive relations. When they encounter problems they are able to share with other colleagues. Their involvement is thus high.

Benefits of induction to the organization

Organizations which conduct induction programs also realize some benefits. First, these organizations experience a lower labor turnover. A lower labor turnover is cost saving on most organizations. Organizations which experience a higher labor turnover incur high costs of hiring and training new employees which erode their profits in the long run. Induction programs ensure employees are committed to their work hence reducing turnover and saving unnecessary costs. Second, induction programs ensure that employees are committed to the values of the organization as well as achieving the set goals. Commitment to goals and values ensures that employees remain focused. This increases their productivity and hence the overall performance of the company. Third, induction improves the general performance of the employees. This is because by the time the employees are allowed to commence work, they already know what they are expected to do and how to go about it. They are less likely to commit costly mistakes which may also take time to unravel. Mistakes by new employees may even lead to a bad reputation of the organization which is entirely avoided.


  Content of session Method of assessment Time Assessor
Week 1:  Day one Car parking

Otherfacilities’ orientation

Oral questions 2 hours General Manager
               Day two Handling fire safety equipments

First aid boxes

Oral questions 2 hours Chief Accounting Officer
              Day thee Health and safety procedures

Utilities orientation e.g lighting & water

Multiple-choice exams 2 hours General Manager
              Day four Mailing system

Use of notice boards

Oral questions 2 hours General Manager
             Day five Using the photocopier


Oral questions 2 hours General Manager
Week 2 Internet access

Computer systems

Multiple-choice questions 3 hours IT Officer
Week 3 Purpose of the organization

History of the organization and structure

Written tests 4 hours Assistant Manager
Week 4 Products and services the organization deals with

Key customers

Written tests 2 hours Assistant Manager
Week 5 Areas of responsibility and accountability

Induction in use of various equipments such as computers.

Written tests 4 hours Assistant Manager
Week 6 Etiquette & protocols

Work hours, leaves and other special days

Oral questions 2 hours Supervisor
Week 7 Disciplinary procedures

Grievance protocols

Quizzes 3 hours Supervisor
Week 8 Code of practice

Environmental awareness

Multiple-choice questions 2 hours
Week 9 Terms of engagement

Roles of each parties in the terms of engagement

Oral questions 3 hours General Manager
Week 10 Performance appraisal

HR documentation

Written tests 4 hours HR Manager
Week 11 Review of the recruitment process

Recruitment agencies


Presentations 6 hours HR Manager
Week 12 People management

Personnel development

Presentations 6 hours HR Manager


Purposes of performance management and relationship to business objectives