Paramilitary Organization of Law Enforcement Agencies


Do you agree or disagree with the paramilitary style of organization of most law enforcement agencies? Defend your position. 

Sample paper

Paramilitary Organization of Law Enforcement Agencies

The primary reason for the formation of military organizations in a country is to implement law and policies in the country as well as protecting specific countries from external attacks. However, due to the ever increasing population in some countries, they find it conducive to form paramilitary organizations to provide extra security and maintain law and order in the region. A paramilitary organization is a semi-militarized force whose structure, tactics, training and subculture and functions are similar to those of a professional military despite the fact that they are not included as part of the formal armed forces in a state (Chappell, 2010).  However, these paramilitary organizations can be called to help and join the military in case help is needed.

I fully agree with the paramilitary style of organization of most law enforcement agencies considering that these agencies constantly struggle with public perception from time to time. In most occasions, the public is regularly demanding high professionalism from these agencies, and thus, these paramilitary organizations have to change their leadership and structures to meet these demands constantly.  These agencies have to incorporate professionalism and business leadership practices and models to win over clients and provide the best service ever. However, the priority lies in the culture of the organization, and they have to act and conduct themselves as military and provide safety to the public considering that law enforcement agencies adopted paramilitary models because policing is designed to address public needs and safety.  Through the adoption of military related models, these agencies are able to command respect from the public by adopting a more service-oriented but customer friendly approach during their day to day operations (Cassidy, 2010).  These agencies have to pose and act like the military to win the heart of many customers.

Works Cited

Cassidy, R. (2010). The Politicization of Paul: Romans 13: 1-7 in Recent Discussion. . The Expository Times, 121(8),, 383-389.

Chappell, A. T.-K. (2010). Police academy socialization: Understanding the lessons learned in a paramilitary-bureaucratic organization. . Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 39(2),, 187-214.

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